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Full Version: Gamer Movie ...
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Something amusing from the Dark Ages of Camelot boards. A movie about people roleplaying ... and it's bad.

Long time to download, but funny.

Large Mike

Yeah. That movie is great. I'm not sure it's supposed to be on the internet, though. They were charging ten bucks for it last time I saw.
I'm surprised because that's from my sister college (I went to VU and that's from the one near Seattle.).

My computer won't open it. Is it a movie called "Life with the Dice Bag?" Because I wanted to see that, but when it was playing in DC, ironically my gaming group was in town, so I was too busy playing shadowrun to go see it.
That movie is... disturbing. In multiple ways. I watched it today while sitting in a car dealership waiting on my wife's car to get finished wink.gif Good use of a morning.
I highly recommend that people not watch what is likely an illegal bootleg of the movie, and instead go to Dead Gentlemen Productions. You can purchase the movie, there by supporting these incredibly creative individuals so that we might see more of their work.
Large Mike

I'm with Moo on this one, not to break from my normal routine, although it is refreshing, but because he's right. These guys are awesome, and they don't make alot to begin with.

(Just kidding, Moo. You know I love you.)
Misfit Toy
It was somewhat humorous... but ten bucks? Cripes. I rarely go to the cinema anymore because of prices as high as that. No way I'd pay for that for an internet movie. But kudos to them for trying to earn a buck anyway, I suppose.
Ok, well if it's not "Life with the Dice Bag," has anyone heard about that, or seen it?
Errrm, really had no clue it might be a bootleg or anything of the sort when I posted it. Sorry =/

Was just copying a link from another major forum I frequent. Anyways, seeing now if I can edit original and remove the link even though it's probably past the point of mattering now.

Mr. Man
QUOTE (CircuitBoyBlue)
Ok, well if it's not "Life with the Dice Bag," has anyone heard about that, or seen it?

Yeah, I downloaded the trailer in August of last year. It was released in May and you can buy the DVD on the web site.

Another recently released gaming doc is Uber Goober.

Errrm, really had no clue it might be a bootleg or anything of the sort when I posted it. Sorry =/

No biggy. You're just trying to share the humor. I didn't mean to imply any criticism against you. I just want to encourage people to support these guys.
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