This thread is to see if anyone else's been following E3, and if so, what they're watching, as well as to generally discuss Console/PC gaming in general.

My list:
-F.E.A.R. (It's like X-Files meets Stephen King meets Die Hard. I have no clue how that's possible, but it kicks butt.)
-S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S. (This game creeps me out more than Resident Evil for some reason...)
-Odama (Pinball + RTS. 'nuff said.)
-Half Life 2 (...Just...Wow.)
-Advance Wars (Whoooooooooooo-WHEE! Did you see that sucker go flying, sarge?!

-Goldeneye: Rogue Agent (Doesn't impress me now, but I'm still keeping an eye on it...)
-Timesplitters: Future Perfect (The single-player doesn't look half-arsed, the weapons selection looks more varied and less hodgepodge, new eras, and new characters. 'nuff said.)
-Halo 2 (Frag the original.)
-Area 51 (Looks like it needs some work, but looks like it might turn out to be a pretty solid FPS.)
-Amazing Island (I don't know all that much about it...But it looks interesting.)
-Starfox Armada (Nothing beats the classics. Except the classics with tactfully applied extra spiffage.)
-Metal Gear Solid 3 (Hopefully this won't be as mucky on my GameCube as Twin Snakes. And the trailer was *PAINFULLY* cheesy...

-Legend of Zelda [GameCube] (

-Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (MULTIPLAYER METROID! W00T!)
-Sid Meier's Pirates! (Sid Meier? Making a pirate game? ...Oh, sweet Jesus...)
-Starcraft: Ghost (They'd better not screw this one up...)
-Paper Mario 2 (More of the same? If it works, why not?)
-Spy Fiction (The two male protagonists look awfully effeminate, but I can forgive that in lieu of the nice-looking gameplay.)
-Prince of Persia 2 ('nuff said.)
-The Matrix Online (As bad as the second two movies were, the idea of slow-mo gun-fu martial arts battles en-masse is too tempting to ignore.)
Your turn.