here is a brief overview:
OK, here's an update of the Gencon events:
Thursday 8/19
2PM Mission Briefing (Need 1 or 2 GMs) SOLD OUT 12 players
6PM Demolition Run (Need 1 GM) SOLD OUT 24 players
Friday 8/20
8PM Mission Briefing (Need 3 GMs) 19 players / 11 available
2PM Demolition Run (Need 2 GMs) SOLD OUT 24 players
2PM FORCEd RECON (Need 3 GMs) SOLD OUT 18 players
Saturday 8/21
9AM Mission Briefing (Need 3 GMs) SOLD OUT 18 players
9AM Dark & Stormy Night (Need 2 GMs, preferably someone that can do boo-scary stuff) SOLD OUT 24 players
2PM Double Cross (Need 5 or 6 GMs - this is the main event) 39 players, 9 available
12AM (Midnight) Dark & Stormy Night - SOLD OUT 6 players (possibly 12)
Sunday 8/22
8AM Double Cross (Need 2 people) SOLD OUT 12 players
I still have a reduced rate hotel room with 3 slots in it for anyone that can volunteer to help gamemaster...
Please send me an email if you are a SR GM and would like to help at gencon!!!!
I will add that the numbers above show prereg ticket sales...some people may cancel at the last minute, so don't give up hope. Also, while the tables are designed to be 6 players each, SRM rules allow us to extend that slightly in case of overflow...I don't want to exceed 6 players if possible, so I'm figuring on stand-by GMs in the figures above (1 per event slot) for overflow and/or we can put an extra body at a table if need be...I don't want to turn anyone away, but I don't want to wear out my GMs either!!!