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Full Version: Paranoia 2nd edition fold-outs
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Wounded Ronin
Some friends of mine are planning on running a Paranoia 2nd edition game. Unfortunately, however, we cannot procure the fold-outs that go with the sourcebook, thus removing important information required for character creation from the game.

Does anyone have any idea where I might find those fold outs?
If I knew where the hell my Paranoia books were, I'd see what I could do for you. I have no clue, though.

I can find my first edition stuff and my fifth edition stuff without too much trouble... the pesky second edition stuff is in a binder somewhere since it had binding worse than the SR3 core book has ever had wink.gif
I heard there's a 5th ed coming out either soon or in the mid-future. Can anyone confirm this?

Wounded Ronin
After some discussion with the GM, we decided that if we had the stat-related data from the 1st edition foldouts, and compared them with the example numbers and bonuses given in the 2nd edition character creation section, then we could probably figure out the missing numerical data from the 2nd edition foldouts.

TinkerGnome, if you could provide us with the numerical information supplied by the 1st edition foldouts, we would be very, very grateful. We don't even need the non-numerical foldouts; all we really need are the numbers and bonuses and such from 1st edition.

Thank you very very much for your kind offer of help.
Wounded Ronin
EDIT: My GM has asked me to request, if possible, as many foldouts as possible, including especially the foldout that has pregenerated characters on it.

Therefore, while the numerical stat adjustments are the only foldouts that are really, really essential, we would both appreciate it if you could provide us with all the foldouts.

Thank you very much for your patience and your kind help.
Wounded Ronin
Unfortunately, TinkerGnome was not able to locate his 2nd edition material. Therefore, if anyone else could help us get our hands on the 2nd edition foldouts, of which we still have need before we can run a game, I would be very thankful for your help.
Last resort?
Necro Tech
Well, I just saw this thread and pulled out my box set. I have 2nd box set, the accessory pack, and the following Modules. Send in the clones, Orc Busters, Clones in Space, Yellow Clearance black box blues, Vapors don't shoot back and weird Misc. stuff. I have no idea what was in the foldouts but I think it was a 16 page booklet. I'll see what I have left of it.
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