Dark father
Jul 9 2004, 02:31 PM
Simple question : will SRM00-03 be available soon to the public?
Jul 12 2004, 04:10 PM
yes - i'm hoping on having it ready within a week or two...
SRM00-05 was just finished and packaged, and it will be posted soon also...
we canceled the one we were planning on using for #4, as the author has all but disappeared and i haven't heard anything from him in two months. we recently picked a new adventure to be #4, and it will be ready by Gencon...
DragonCon will have ALL FIVE DEMO EVENTS at their convention...or at least that is what we're planning on right now...
Aug 2 2004, 11:45 AM
Well I have just filled out the Phase 2 of the commandos form. I will be posting it off Saturday.
Aug 2 2004, 11:48 AM
Well I have just filled out the Phase 2 of the commandos form. I will be posting it off Saturday. If accepted would I be getting all the SRM as they are released.
I have a eager group
Aug 2 2004, 01:26 PM
yes - i post the adventures to the Commandos first....
Aug 2 2004, 03:00 PM
Well I would have to wait until you post then on the ShadowRun Site.
Do you have a schedule date for that as yet.
Your Johnson
Copper Top
Aug 2 2004, 04:30 PM
i just discovered a couple of minor corrections that need to be made, and then i'll send it to Adam Jury...he usually gets it up onto the site within a few days...
Dark father
Aug 9 2004, 02:18 PM
I don't want to be irritating but can we expect to see SRM00-03 this week? I think a lot of people are waiting for this!
Aug 9 2004, 05:27 PM
i sent off the corrected scenario to Adam on last wednesday (8/4)....
please be patient and remember that except for Rob Boyle, all of the rest of us are basically volunteers that do this for no pay on top of real life jobs and other commitments...i'm sure Adam will post it in good time...
you're not irritating me! i did *my* part!!
Dark father
Aug 11 2004, 12:20 AM
Good news everyone : the scenario is on the website! The wait is finally over
Aug 11 2004, 02:42 PM
Thank you for that infomation Dark Father
Aug 12 2004, 09:01 PM
It seems that there may be a problem with the ZIP file that is on the SR web site...i have received emails that people cannot open the zip file, or that it says the file is empty.
i have remailed the file to adam and asked him to please check the file and repost...
i noticed that one of the other files also had mac header files in them, so maybe Adam is using a mac and it is doing something wonky with the files...please stand by...
Aug 12 2004, 10:29 PM
I can't currently repost the file [SSL probs with the new FanPro server], but I've sucessfully downoaded and extracted the file on several Macs and my PC, and it's worked fine each and every time.
Macs are perfectly capable of creating zip files.
Aug 13 2004, 03:59 AM
Didn't have any problems downloading and unzipping the file. I just had a problem viewing the file in acrobat reader. Message said something about having problems decrypting the file. Turns out that it was a problem with acrobat reader. I was using an old version of acrobat reader (version 4). Upgrading to version 5 solved the problem. Hope this info helps anyone having problems with the file.
Aug 13 2004, 12:54 PM
Adam, sorry for making it sound like that...i have a Mac as well as a PC (and an Amiga, Apple IIe, and C-64)....
as for Acrobat, yes - i use version 5 currently, and it requires Reader 5 or above....
Aug 15 2004, 06:33 PM
Had the viewing problems on my mac (but I upgraded to Acrobat Reader 5 so now everything works there)
But to print it I had to dl it to my PC, and it couldn't unzip the file - claimed it was broken, partial or otherwise messed up. I dl'd it from [insert name of person who temporarily put the files up on his page here] and it worked fine. Haven't tried it from shadowrunrpg.com since.
As a side not, I think it looks very promising, and I like the concepts used for payment, as well as the pre-emtive style of the run. Good work! Only thing I missed at first glance was legwork tables, but I haven't read through the entire run yet. You'll get a full report from me once I've gm'd it, as usual bitrunner
Aug 18 2004, 04:46 PM
I am also having issues with downloading the Mission. I have the correct verison of the reader program. The error it gives is "Cannot open file: it does not appear to be a valid archive". I have no problem with the others. Any ideas?
Aug 18 2004, 06:01 PM
I'm not sure why it won't download? Are you using dialup? Try saving the file to a different location when you redownload it? Possibly try downloading Acrobat Reader 6 from "http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html", I downloaded it fine. If your using dialup you may be getting corrupted downloads. I dunno. Sometimes windows will do weird stuff and rename a file to a txt or other format? I'd download the above. I downloaded the file fine (from a lan) running XP with SP1. (Becarefull SP2 is doing all sorts of funky stuff to a wide range of applications so if you have SP2 be carefull.) Maybe try turning off Norton Antivirus software if your getting corrupted downloads? (Worst case I'd update all your system using windows update and get the system patched and updated and maybe try turning of any software based firewall apps during the download and turn them back on after the download has finished?)
Hope this helps,
Dark father
Aug 18 2004, 07:47 PM
It's sad that some of you can't read it, I already ran it twice and it's really fun. I have two PCs, and I wasn't able to open the zip file on one, and when I unzipped the files on my other computer and brought it on the one unable to unzip it, it said that he wasn't able to read the PDF. This is really strange...
Aug 18 2004, 09:52 PM
Worst case scenerio message me and I'll email you the file from my yahoo account. Bitrunner has a life so if you really want to see it and can't I'll volunteer to email it to you unzipped. (Yahoo has built in virus protection for all uploaded attachments.) I may not be online till Sunday(going down to the cape) so message me with your email address and I'll email it to you.
Sep 5 2004, 03:12 AM
Should be totally, absolutely, positively fixed now.
Sep 9 2004, 09:48 AM
I'm still getting the not a valid archive message when I try to open/download these files. Using Windows XP and a DSL connection, Acrobat 5. Any suggestions?
Sep 9 2004, 10:07 AM
Same here. Ran into an invalid archive error.
Sep 9 2004, 10:13 AM
send me your tired, your poor, your hungry requests for SRM00-03 and i'll send them directly to you...
I've sent some suggestions to Adam about reformatting how we display and deliver the scenarios, and one change will be to have the zip file, along with the two separate files available for download. If Adam agrees, those that CAN get the zip file to work can do so, and those that can't can just download each file individually. sure, that makes them bigger and longer to download, but at least then there shouldn't be any translation issues...also, it allows those that are running the adventure multiple times to just go back and download the player handouts if they're at the con or gaming store and need more handouts...
Sep 9 2004, 10:58 PM
I also get the empty or invalid response.
The separate individual downloads sound like a good idea.
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