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Full Version: Sending HTTP Requests to ports other than 80
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Community Projects
Pretty much what the title says. I'm trying to put together a new Shadowrun site, the Grid Overwatch Division, but I have two sites I need to be hosting. I could just pull a server out of the LAN, but I'd like to avoid that if at all possible. So I came up with a solution: have the HTTP requests come in on 8080 and just redirect them to 80 with the router.

Question is, how do I get the requests to do that?

(And, on another note, can everyone access that?)

That site isn't accessable here.

Are you hosting it off of your personal internet connection? Does your provider block incoming port 80 traffic to discourage webservers? If that's the case the traffic gets blocked before it gets to your router and you can't have the router change the port traffic. Otherwise, it just depends on your router and how it's configured to alter traffic, which one do you have?
Yes, I'm hosting it off my personal connection. No, my ISP doesn't block port 80; I'm just trying to get two sites hosted off the same external IP address (NAT, natch) without putting two instances of Apache on a single computer.

My router is an Apple Airport Extreme Base Station, but I've already got it set to route requests on port 8080 to port 80 on the computer in question; I think the part I'm stuck on is getting the requests to come in on that port.

Apache can handle this with one instance by setting up 'virtual hosts'. So, if you can have two hostnames set up for the same ip that would definitely be the way to go. If your provider is doing the DNS for your domain name they shouldn't have too much of a problem adding another host pointing towards your ip address.

Virtual hosts are pretty simple to set up if you have the proper dns entries to point multiple domains at the same ip address. They can even be things like and Apache will then serve different content based on the host being used.

Also, to get requests to go to a certain port you would use a url like this:
Got it, it'll be set up soon. Until I get the pointing done correctly, the initial bits of the Grid Overwatch Division are accessible at, though after I get the virtual host set up the gridoverwatchdivision URL will be active and that URL will be a completely different (and non-Shadowrun) site.

Done and done. should be accessible now, and the previous link should lead to a blank white page with the words "this is a placeholder" on it.

Thanks for everyone's help. Now, the real question: what do I put on here…

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