Jul 13 2004, 09:42 PM
Bitrunner just finished editing and publishing my adventure: A Dark and Stormy Night. It should be available to play soon. If any of you run it or play it I would appreciated any feed back telling how the adventure ran and/or any feed back =)
Enjoy the Adventure,
Jul 14 2004, 12:42 PM
keep in mind, however, that Matt's adventure is designed to be #5 in the demo series. while it can be played with brand new characters, it is really meant for characters that have at least 2 other adventures under their belts - allowing you to boost your skills/attributes a little bit, and humans should have 1 more Karma Pool die....
am i scaring you yet??
Dark father
Jul 14 2004, 12:50 PM
Hehe, I can't wait to read and run that one! I think I will run it to one of my teams not the next weekend, but the other (24 july). However, if SRM00-03 gets out before that, I will run that one since yours might be too difficult!
Aug 2 2004, 11:52 AM
A question, I am running SRM 1 and 2 which I intend running in a campaign sequence would it be a problem for characters which have played since SRM 001
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