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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
okay, I used the drug Hyper from M&M in my last adventure. Used this on a Troll Mage, and according to the rules, that a character suffers a +4 modifier to all concentration tasks. (This is taken from Page 119 of M&M).

The only example they give is spellcasting. exactly what is considered a concentration check? I know any spellcasting or conjuring would suffer from this, for you do need to concentrate on something like this. I guess my main question is, would it affect ranged combat with any ranged weapon?

well, really this question should have been posted to the main boards so that it would get more exposure...and you should email

personally, i would say that it does not affect ranged combat, unless the person is trying to AIM...i would also say it applies to any action that requires a full combat turn, such as conjuring, ritual magic, using a technical skill, complex social skill, etc - in other words, it's situational - if you feel the skill/task involves having to stop, think, collect your thoughts, or concentrate, then the modifier should be approved....if you're using physical intimidation, and just beating someone up, then that really doesn't require concentration....working a polygraph though, requires attention to the machine and therefore WOULD incur the penalty...this is one of those "spirit of the rule" things...Rob may say something different, but that's how i'd play it at my table...

I agree to disagree.

Any skill required check yes. Plugging more holes into a unconscious dude at close range thats different.
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