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Austere Emancipator
With 3 Finns on this forum I know this is quite a long shot, but what the heck... Any chance any of you'll be in Ropecon? It'd be nice to have someone to rant with about the lack a Finnish modern and near-future RPG scene.
I`ll be there, but i`ll spent my friday night playing in the Vampire CCG tournament.
But after that maybe?
Austere Emancipator
The only worthwhile CCG tournament there is the MtG Ironman! wink.gif

[Edit]I'll be hanging around from 2000hrs Fri to 1700hrs Sun, so we might run into each other. I'll be the one shouting at the Fantasiapelit-people for not having SoE yet.[/Edit]
So how do we know eachother from everyone?
You could always ask loudly where i am, but that wouldn`t possibly be the best idea....
Well, just ask around the V:tES tables and you will find me(my name is Samuel Mäenpää)...
Austere Emancipator
I was actually thinking about something as inelegant as exhanging cell phone numbers, but that works too. smile.gif
Austere Emancipator
Well that sucked. Didn't make my way to the Vamp tables while there was still some sort of order there, and the few people I asked hadn't heard of you. Couldn't find Orava -- or was that the guy's name? Didn't get to rant to the Fantsu-guys either, because they did have SoE. Also: Do not go to a Con with a guy who isn't interested in RPGs and can't stand being alone.
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