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My "collection" is a pen(ballpoint), a file, a d10(vampire model), a screw for the basket for the PC, a spare button for my pant`s and a model knife.
Using a laptop cuts down on the stuff that piles up on your keyboard.

Though I do have several pounds of cat hair inside it.

104 keys. Three LEDs.
Laptop. Again that limits.

Austere Emancipator
Keyboard = The board with the keys? What Diesel said. How could you possibly get things to stay on top of it?

Or do you mean whatever board you have your keyboard on? (Näppäintaso vs näppäimistö) In which case: Glass (coke, half full), wallet (leather, black, empty) and a knife (army, Swiss).
Grime. Just grime.
I'm sorry... what's this to do with gaming?
Austere Emancipator
I guess you could argue that it's similar to the the discussions about what kind of space is best for (role)gaming. I'm not going to, though. wink.gif
I've got about half a can of soda inside the keyboard, does that count?
That's how the pros do it.
Austere's closest to it. It's like the threads about dice. Strictly speaking it isn't about gaming, it is about things to enable gaming.

Sticky notes, for all the things I should have already done. And the manual for Everquest...
Fresno Bob
A plastic cover. Dust. Some sharpie from when I decided to re-draw the faded letters on.
Mr. Man
Another keyboard, actually. The second keyboard is propped up behind the function keys of the first one. It's an old, indestructable, metal IBM model with a built in trackpoint (works great for the linux box it's plugged into). I would just use a KVM switch, but I have a second monitor anyway and it's just more useful this way. When I'm waiting to respawn in CS or something I can just move my hands a few inches to send an IM or whatever.

While this arrangement works tolerably, I wish someone sold a rotating keyboard holder. Because it's being propped up by the edge of the desk (the main keyboard sits on top of an old Computer Shopper in the desk drawer) the second keyboard is situated at a pretty extreme angle and can slip down if I bump the drawer.

What's on my keyboard? When I'm not typing on it, there's a dust cover.
Fygg Nuuton
QUOTE (BookWyrm)
What's on my keyboard? When I'm not typing on it, there's a dust cover.

you use that thing?
Cat it thinks its a cool bed
QUOTE (Fygg Nuuton)
QUOTE (BookWyrm @ Jul 31 2004, 06:54 PM)
What's on my keyboard? When I'm not typing on it, there's a dust cover.

you use that thing?

Yes, Fygg, because it gets dusty in my room & dust wears the contacts down faster than typing does. It's a piece of plastic that is in the form of the keyboard & it fits nicely. nyahnyah.gif
On mine (which is a large one) is a Batmobile hot wheels, my watch, a glow-in-the-dark Green Lantern ring, a boxcutter, about 5 coke bottle caps, a free sausage biscuit coupon from Burger King, the silver ring I got for Christmas from my mom, a half dozen pepermints and 4 strawberry candies.

The rest of the desk and monitor would take up to much time to type out.
QUOTE (Catsnightmare)
On mine (which is a large one) is a Batmobile hot wheels, my watch, a glow-in-the-dark Green Lantern ring, a boxcutter, about 5 coke bottle caps, a free sausage biscuit coupon from Burger King, the silver ring I got for Christmas from my mom, a half dozen pepermints and 4 strawberry candies.

The rest of the desk and monitor would take up to much time to type out.

Which Batmobile & which GL ring, Cats? 'Cause if it's the one from the 60's TV show, you've got a collector's item. If it's from the '89 movie, you can still get a little cash for it, but wait until the new movie comes out in '05.
If the GL ring is the big one with the glow-in-the-dark disc in the center, don't push that little disc in. It's a b*tch & a half to get back out & you'll have to put a washer behind it to make it stick out again. I have one of those.
The Batmobile is the '89 movie version, but I doubt it's worth anything, I just bought it at Target a month or two ago. I saw at least 6 them come out of the two boxes of Hot Wheels I stocked that night.

Sounds like the same GL ring as I got, it was a freebe promo I got some years ago from my local comic shop, I forget what special event DC was promoting in the GL books at the time.
Well, the Batmobile is not worth much. But hold onto it for a while.

The GL ring was a promo for "Green Lantern:Mosaic", a semi-LS with the John Sterwart GL, a few years back. It may have a good going price, but check eBay for comparative prices.
Maybe, but I doubt mine is worth anything anymore. I've taken artistic liberty with it several times and added a few 'decorative features' to it.
mattness pl
keyboard description: looks cool(is black), many annoying special keys for MS(office and IE). But has cool sound wheel:D and CD-like buttons(play, stop etc.)
What is inside? Ciagarette ash. Maybe some coffee...
I have stamps, a back statement and an unidentifable green stain (probably ink). Additionally I am a typing elitist so I have rearranged my keys so that it is next to impossible to use my board unless you are a touch typist or know by heart where the keys are supposed to be.

This has benefits and annoyances.

Benefit: Friends don't want to touch your computer unless they are touch typists.

Annoyance: When someone NEEDs to use your computer and you can't say no (read as 'when your GF asks you') you end up playing secretary so that the task doesn't involve them swearing and breaking up with you.

Oh well, you can't have everything - where would you keep it?
Ash from my incense burner. Dust. Mtn. Dew. Some unidentifiable sticky spot. Cat hair.
kill o gram
Paper, bank statements,dust...As a matter of fact, it might be a good idea to log off and start cleaning this crap up.
Austere Emancipator
Thread Necromancy
More like keyboard necromancy, that thing looks filthy enough to have just come out of the grave. At least I take some clorox clean-up to my key caps every month or two.
I love my Lexmark keyboard and take care of it.
Dust. Not because I don't use it every day, but because theres an edge beyond the actual keys that IMO serves no other purpose than look bulky and collect dust.
Wow, this thread is still "on".
Mine has a little novelty "Any" key that my Lady Love stuck on with double stick tape. It's also minus the enter key on the main, since we popped it off one night in frustration. Now if we want to hit enter, we use the numpad enter.
The main has no enter key, it's a carriage return nyahnyah.gif

At least on any properly-designed keyboard with a pad. It's certainly not that key above shift.

~J, deciding keyboard nazism is easier than English nazism.
The key above the 'Shift' key on my keyboard is labeled 'Enter'. nyahnyah.gif
I know it is. And it's wrong nyahnyah.gif

Tell that to Dell! wink.gif
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