Jul 26 2004, 02:20 PM
Avast ye scurvy dogs!
I’m looking to run a smuggling campaign, but not the customary 2060s T-bird jamming type. I’m looking for a crew for the F.S. (Free Ship) Albacore, a sea-going catamaran captained by the dashing and daring Captain Slosh. This will be more of a peanuts and beer kind of game, which will require consistent, but less paranoid posting.
The Set-Up: Captain Slosh is looking for a crew. His last crew… well, never mind. He’s a Neo-anarchist, though, so don’t worry about him pulling rank. Everyone’s in the same boat…as it were. The vessel itself is a sailing cat, screened from prying eyes by magic and technology, and defended by a big gun. The Albacore has limited smuggling compartments, so you’re looking for high-profit/small-volume items which need to be slipped ashore quietly.
My hope is that this adventure will combine excitement on the high seas, exotic ports of call, funny-talkin’ cyberpirates, and critters with inordinately large tentacles. Sound like a good time? I think so.
The Crew: I’m looking for about 3 players to join Slosh (NPC), as the Albacore has only four berths (and two of them are really smuggling compartments, so the beds ain’t too comfy). There won’t be too much need for a decker on the high seas, but if you can make a good case for it, and can bring a sat-link along, I’ll consider the offer seriously. Surprisingly, riggers might be right out. The Albacore’s only electronics are a radio and a NavDat GPS unit. The goal is to be subtle in that grand age of piracy kind of way. That being said, sailing or nautical skills would be a plus, as would the ability to be handy in a fight (just in case…and there is a ring mounted MMG on the prow…) Magic is encouraged, as a quick assensing will point out that Slosh is a Sea King shaman himself. A hermetic might turn our little Show Boat into an episode of the Odd Coven, which could be fun. A negotiator might be good to have on hand, given that smuggling and money making will be going on, as well as a smart-talking ship’s surgeon (no, there’s no room for a Valkyrie module, so it’s just going to be you and your medkit). An interpreter would be…original.
Bottom line on Crew: I’m looking for a crew that’s scurvy, but not ill, and salty, but not completely whacked. Savvy?
Details: Sum-to-10, Priority, or 123-build points. Starting avail 8 or less. Don’t look to make a grand high initiate or somesuch—think Pirates of Dark Water if you need inspiration. Raygun’s firearms are cool, but consider adding floatation devices to anything you don’t want to risk losing to David Jones. SURGEd gills, webbed fingers toes, whatever are okay—the more colorful the crew the better. Please no shapeshifters, though, as eating the rest of the crew would end the game. Books: BBB, SR Comp, MitS, CC, SOTA63, R3 (if you have a really really really good idea), M&M, VR2, anything else, just ask.
Everyone gets the free language skill Tongue of the Sea/Talk like a pirate: 2/4, which is to say, you can sound threatening in the argot of the waters, but you may have problems communicating if you don’t speak the local lingo.
I’d like to see character thumbnails as soon as possible, say, by Thursday at 1700 EST, with full characters by Monday 8/2 at 0900 EST. Full characters sooner will give me a better idea about your character’s seaworthiness, and might give a better shot at being on the boat. Like I said, there’s only 3 berths, so we’ll keep this game small, fast, and fun.
Jul 26 2004, 03:23 PM
I'd like to give it a try. Any specifications or details on archetypes besides the deckers and riggers? I want to give Flygirl a try; a bright and darkly cheerful elven lass who wears FFBA underneath and a bright red and gold overcoat (similar to those pirate captain coats). Always smiling and very much of an athletic daredevil. Good with rifles and pistols.
Jul 26 2004, 03:33 PM
Shiver me synth-balsa timbers. Sounds like a good start.
Ray Becker
Jul 26 2004, 04:21 PM
Avast Joe me lad, I've got a right fun idea for a chracter.
Jul 26 2004, 04:29 PM
WOO!! A pirate game. Count me in and I have a charcter ready right now!
Ray Becker
Jul 26 2004, 04:54 PM
I have a chracter ready now, a peg legged dwarf who goes by the name of Clumpy.
Jul 26 2004, 05:17 PM
Arr, that's the good stuff. Character sheets and thumbnails can be sent to Elysiumjoe@gmail.com
I'd prefer .doc, .xls, or .html files, as I run off of a Mac most of the time (NSRCG files are right out, then)
Jul 26 2004, 05:41 PM
I've got an Orc I made for another game, and I'd really like to play him. He's Caribean based, but I can move him.
What's the location, so my contacts and area knowledge will be correct, and is this officially a SHIP or a sailing boat? As in, does my orc Chief Engineer need Ship B/R or Sailboat B/R?
Jul 26 2004, 06:01 PM
The Albacore is a boat not a ship. We'll be starting off in the Azores, and heading to one of several ports, depending on what kind of run the crew wants to do. For at least the first leg, the Atlantic will be the limit, but I'd sure like to round a cape at some point. I know that's rather broad for geographic context, but it should give a start.
Digital Heroin
Jul 26 2004, 08:01 PM
I never did get to play Wavewalker, my Rastafarian physical Adept with a drug baron on his ass.
Jul 26 2004, 08:31 PM
DH mate, Id kill to see him in action. Good luck! And hopefully this game lasts longer then Mikes game...
Jul 26 2004, 08:46 PM
@Lindt-- I've recieved your character info. Everything looks in order, including the "pirate gun."
Jul 28 2004, 04:09 PM
Just a reminder that I'd like to have character ideas and/or full character sheets by Thursday at 5 pm EST.
To pass the time, a 2060s smuggler joke:
A scurvy smuggler walks into a bar in New Orleans and the bartender says, "Hey, I haven't seen you in a while. What happened, you look terrible!"
"What do you mean?" the smuggler replies, "I'm fine."
The bartender says, "But what about that cyber-leg? You didn't have that before."
"Well," says the smuggler, "We were in a battle at sea and a panther round hit my leg but the surgeon fixed me up, and I'm fine, really."
"Yeah," says the bartender, "But what about that hook? Last time I saw you, you had both hands."
"Well," says the smuggler, "We were in another battle and we got boarded by the enemy. I was in a sword fight and my hand was cut off but the surgeon fixed me up with this hook, and I feel great, really."
"Oh," says the bartender, "What about that cyber-eye? Last time you were in here you had both eyes."
"Well," says the smuggler, "One day when we were at sea, some birds were flying over the ship. I looked up, and one of them shat in my eye."
"So?" replied the bartender, "what happened? You couldn't have lost an eye just from some bird shit!"
"Well," says the smuggler, "I really wasn't used to the hook yet."
Jul 28 2004, 04:22 PM
Okay. One more. Slow day in the office:
Why are Pirates so mean?
They just ARRRRGGH!
Ray Becker
Jul 28 2004, 04:32 PM
I should have it with you I've made some adjustments to my chracter he's still pretty much the same but is now a ships medic type thing, as well as haveing skill in navigation and steering of most sea going vessals. Just writing up an ammended Biography for him.
Jul 28 2004, 04:40 PM
Character's going to be an adept. More on the daredevil athletics, but can double as a sniper if needed. Very extroverted, daredevil kind of person. Not entirely sure how she ended up on the boat. Is Slosh hiring or something?
Ray Becker
Jul 28 2004, 05:13 PM
Just sent you my Character Joe hopfully its acceptable.
Jul 28 2004, 05:29 PM
A pirate walks into a bar, and he's got the steering wheel of a ship down his pants. The bartender looks at him and says "what the heck is that thing in your pants?" and the pirate says "Arr, I don't know, but it's drivin' me nuts!"
Ray Becker
Jul 28 2004, 06:18 PM
So we're telling bad jokes are we well then have at ye.
A pirate was just sentenced to walk the plank, he promtly answerd sure wheres the lead.
Jul 28 2004, 06:31 PM
What are the odds of making a larger boat, so we could fit 5 or 6 crew on board? My gunner/engineer/master rigger (the sailing kind, not the VCR kind) would be happy to string up a hammock on deck when the weather is decent (which in the Azores should be most of the time).
I've been trying to dig up the background I wrote for Louis and failing. So I'll have to re-write it. Is there any chance of this moving down towards the Carribean? He's well connected there, and has a low lifestyle (a hut on the beach), as well as a couple area knowledge skills. He's origonally from France, but has an arrest warrant, so he avoids pretty much any "civilized" areas. He hasn't been to Europe in 8 years, so he doesn't have any contacts
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We pillage, we plunder, we rifle, and loot,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot,
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
Ray Becker
Jul 28 2004, 07:19 PM
There's also the lifeboats I'm sure there'll be room in the lifeboats for people to nap in that is if there are life boats.
Jul 28 2004, 08:15 PM
@Ray: Got the character. Looks good.
@FX: Aye. Slosh is hiring. He seems to be without a crew at the moment.
@Bearclaw: "We'll teach it to the whole crew!" I mean, um, I'm sort of wedded to the small boat, small crew concept just for posting's sake (it's easier to keep an on-line game with a smaller group, as posting conversations tend to go cross-wise less). The Albacore is not a wee boat. It measures in at 50-60'. Depending on the crew mix, there may be room for one or two more than I had planned for. Of course, that means bringing more supplies, which means less cargo, which means....
@Ray again: Lifeboats? *shifty eyes*
Jul 28 2004, 08:16 PM
(no place to put a drunken sailor ear-ly in the morning)
There are two life rafts (inflatable) in storage, but no longboat style runabouts.
Jul 28 2004, 10:17 PM
What are lifestyle costs by the way?
Jul 29 2004, 02:49 PM
You can pretty much neglect lifestyle, unless you want to have a cabana hidden away somewhere (good for the character, although it probably won't come up right away). Slosh will be willing to provision the first leg of the trip with food, water, and rum (actually, Madeira). Supplies for the next leg will come out of profits or cash that your characters start with. If you buy a month of lifestyle, I'd let it count for somewhere between 2-4 months of time spent in ports of call, as I can see part of the adventure being set on land, and not on the Albacore (you won't be on land for overly long periods of time, hence the extended value of the lifestyle). This doesn't mean you'll have a pad in every port, but will have the yen for hotels, restuarants, bars, transit, etc. without having to worry about out of pocket expenses.
Seem fair?
Ray Becker
Jul 29 2004, 03:15 PM
Very fair and makes some sence.
Jul 30 2004, 06:52 PM
Works for me.
Jul 30 2004, 07:26 PM
Just a reminder to those who want to play but have not submitted full character sheets (ie, everyone but Lindt and RB), the sooner I get your character sheets, the sooner the game begins.
I'll put up the first IC post Monday morning, even if Lindt and Ray are the only PCs ready (it's amazing who you find floating around the middle of the Atlantic....). I'd like at least one more PC, but if you guys are as keen to play this game as I am to run it, I'm okay starting with just two.
In the interim, I'll open the
YARR!! OOC thread, so folks can give a character description and share info about their character they want the rest of the crew to know.
edit: added the actual link
Jul 30 2004, 07:41 PM
Am I the only one who saw this thread and thought, "I am a bear!" ?
Jul 31 2004, 02:59 AM
Character sent in.
Aug 2 2004, 12:51 PM
Everything looks set to start the adventure with Lindt, FX, and Ray. I should have the
IC thread up by this afternoon.
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