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Full Version: Crimson Skies board game
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The Vanguard
Hi I'm a long time fan of the Crimson Skies board game and world, but ever since FASA closed it doors and the board gaem when back into Microsoft, how ever Wizkids which is gaming company owned by Fanpro which BTW also publish Shadowrun another great FASA product but unlike Battletech whcih they support fully Crimson Skies has and is a limpy click base game.

My beef is that why of all of the former FASA products why has Crimson Skies bin so badly treated?, also does anyone here know of a game publisher willing to publisher the Crimson Skies board game?, since Wizkids doesn't want or seem to support CS anymore.

Ray Becker
I don't know much about this but people at my games club have there quite extensive house rules for the game stored upon the web

Our club webpage

We've only recontaly moved to this new one so don't excpect to much traffic upon the forum as most are still useing the old one still but I hope that the rules will come in handy for ye.
The Vanguard
I'm not looking for new CS rules, what I'm looking for help getting Crimson Skie board gaem publish.

It was a fun game, but really, way behind its time. I would be amazed to see a reprint of the original game.
You might first want to think about using full sentences that don't include both spelling and grammar mistakes.
Fun, but its wicked old, and its a mini clix game now. Better selling.
QUOTE (Lindt)
You might first want to think about using full sentences that don't include both spelling and grammar mistakes.
Fun, but its wicked old, and its a mini clix game now.  Better selling.

Not anymore. The Clix game is out of print now. frown.gif So, now it's an X-Box licensed flight sim.
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