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Full Version: Help with idea
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
I have an idea for a run.

Runners are asked to find a guy, retrieve data from him and then make he doesn't survive.

The catch. They don't know what the guy looks like or what name he's staying under. They have a general description and that's it. They also need to verify the data using a program to make sure they have the right guy/data.

The second part of the catch. They know where he is right now. He's touring North America in a luxury zeppelin. It'll be landing in Seattle in 3 days and they need to get on it. That's their only chance to get what they need.

Any suggestions about the idea or ideas on fleshing this out more?
First off, you might want to ease up on the ID of the mark.

Does the guy live in the Zepplin, or just riding around?

How big is the Zepplin cabin? Are we talking Victoria Highwind or Goodyear?

Will they be able to sneak aboard or just RPG it from teh skies?

Is he an excentric millinare or part of tour group?
Thanks for the ideas to flesh it out. I'm thinking about a sneak aboard with few weapons, he's just traveling and they won't be able to sneak out as it lands....
You might want to throw a handful of people who fit the vague description given to your runners more or less closely - it makes for a greater challenge, and forces them to be more careful, besides being more fun.

Come up with a few weird personal quirks for the passengers you intend to flesh out (including the lookalikes), and throw then as things the characters discover as they investigate these people in search of their target.
QUOTE (Bira)
You might want to throw a handful of people who fit the vague description given to your runners more or less closely - it makes for a greater challenge, and forces them to be more careful, besides being more fun.

Come up with a few weird personal quirks for the passengers you intend to flesh out (including the lookalikes), and throw then as things the characters discover as they investigate these people in search of their target.

Great idea. Now that's the sorta stuff I'm looking for. One of the players fancies himself a ladies man, so I'm thinking about making it some really hot chick. Maybe make her come on to him in the midst of it as a try for redirection.
Fygg Nuuton
i would totaly run it!
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