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Full Version: Recruiting: Liberation
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Digital Heroin
For those of you whom were looking forward to a re-run of Checkmate, I'm sorry, but I've got another idea rolling around in my head which I'm going to run first. Checkmate may be run on nights other than this one, but that'll be determined once I get a better idea of my schedule...

As indicated in the topic title, this is a game to be played in the Shadowlands chatroom I host ( Shadowlands Thread ). This means I'll be looking for people who are willing to sit in on 2-4 hour sessions, which, due to my current work schedule, will -not- be on a regular weekly basis (I'm looking at about a 10 day cycle, so 3 times monthly). This thread, after recruitment, will be used for planning and downtime usage, outside of that done in the chatroom.

So, here's what I'm looking for in characters:

• Acceptable creation methods are Sum 10, Build Points (125), and the standard Priority System;
• Variant Metahumans are allowed on a case by case basis;
• SURGE is either to be purchased though Edge/Flaw style balance, or through rolling (all rolls included with sheet);
• Maximum Rating of 6;
• Maximum Avaliability of 8;
• +/- 10 points for Edges/Flaws Maximum;
• No more than 3 points gap between Edge/Flaw point value;
• Aptitude will be allowed for combat applications, for special cases (ex. Character has no cyber/magic); and
• Hunted, Extra Enemy, and similar flaws are to include a name of the person (or organization) who is hunting/hating the character, and a reason behind this.
• Police Record is not allowed to be purchased.

All characters are to include a detailed background (minumum 250 words). This background is to include how your character ended up in prison.

That's right kiddies, in prison. Each character will be recruited fresh out of a cell. This means that several considerations will be needed for characters. You don't need to spend resources on anything a character couldn't have access to in prison; your character can be from anywhere in North America; the prison need not be civillian either.

Another hint, make your character flexible. Don't make a guy who needs to have his special rifle to be useful, and don't go too heavy on cyberwear.

Please e-mail all characters to preferably in a plain text format (this includes Word). Include with the character and background a your timezone and days you are avaliable for play, so I can work the schedule to please everyone.

Also, if you want to post basic concepts here you can do that too. Right now I'm going to set the deadline for applications for a week from today, Friday the 13th, at 11:59PM.
So...we don't spend money on weapons, armour and practically most of the regular gear runners have? Because I can't see how someone will get a hold of anything larger than a light pistol in a prison, and even then with some connections and corruption.

Unless the prisons in 206x are far darker than the ones we have today.
Digital Heroin
As this isn't a regular run, aye, you spend on nothing aside from 'ware, contacts (noting that runners are from all over NA, so you might not want to limit to one locale), and at most 10 Karma via cash to Karma at 5k a point. It would be wise, unless you're loaded with 'ware, to make catagories other than resources your priority.

Also, I'm not looking for psychotic rampagin loonies either. They may be prisoners, but they're being selectivly picked.
Digital Heroin
Is it safe to asume the lack of general interest can be attributed to my preference to host this as a real time campaign, or is there something I'm missing?
Digital Heroin
*bump* Do I smell funny?
Hey DH I would be interested in the whole prison thing. Buty the fact that you are running it via chat room, makes it a bit hard for me. Yet if it is a PBP you would have my interest.
Digital Heroin
At this point, the existance of the game in (my personally prefered) chat format is up for debate... if I can get a team of five without the chat format, then I'll go by board.
I will post my low down sumary in a couple of minutes for PBP, that is if you are going to go PBP. Character is being generated and should be on route by E-mail on Monday.

I have a weekend away.

2 Questions

1 Picklocks (active), this pretains to old locks. The ones you would use in old safe and house with min to no electronics.

Can this be taken as an active with a B/R fuctionality?

Cyber what limitations?
Mack Damian, imprisoned for house braking and theft and murder.

Mack is a skilled old style B&E thief, he can pick any lock from the outside. This will include lock from the old time(3 lever to 9 Lever time delay combination locks)
As new security measures have made a presants in the new world he had to adapt.
This was Mack down fall, not being very computer literate and didn't want to run the electrodes in to high end security. Mack developed his skill at pistols, to the point that he would shoot out any cameras with one shot.

Mack was scoping a high security house for a couple of days. His egg was going to hatch. Once the family left the house Mack waited a while for the coast to clear.

Mack gathered his gear. Pushed the remote to the gate that he had scanned when the owner came home. "This was going to be a walk in the park." He said to himself. Once inside the house, Mack started leaving his calling card. He started his sweep of cameras.

Just then was the turn of events. Mr Mc Deans wife came through the door with her lover all embraced in her arms. With suprise and quick reflex they where no more. Four quick pulls of the trigger, the first bullet struck Mrs McDean at the base of the skull between the vertibrates of her neck paralysing her instantly, followed by the second which passed through her neck just severing her jugular vien and lodging itself in Mr Wallis' throat.
The third bullet struck Mike Wallis in his right shoulder just below the collor bone and lodged itself in his spine. The fouth bullet penetrated Mr Wallis chest passed through his right lung and exited the rear of the rib cage.

Mack Damian was tough his trade buy his late father who died of lung cancer due to excessive smoking, his mother was a vague memory as she walked out on his father when he was only six. Only the pictures he had was the only memory of her.

Mack never married, and grew his Fathers business in to a gold mine.
One day Mack was at a bar and he over heard a conversation between some secuirty guards he knew about a house that would be hard to brake in to. Full of dutch courage he went and broke into the house, cracked the safe.

When he woke up the next morning a new career was born, the house thief.

Mack Damian was sentences to life in prison with hard labour, with no parole.
What is happening to the recruitment. Are we waiting for finalization?
Digital Heroin
Considering you are the only one who even bothered giving me a concept... the game is dead...
Well, real-time-ish play is kinda hard to do, what with timezone differences and all...
I'd sign up right away should you consider doing a forum-based or even PBEM form.

Digital Heroin
Ok, with at least two, and possibly three people interested in a board game, Liberation is now going to be board run. Those interested, toss an e-mail with character bios, and we'll work from there.
Will do, I'll get a bio over to you by the end of the weekend.
Mailed the bio... but I'll post it here anyway just so the rest knows what I'm working on wink.gif
Basic concept is an expert tactician (military-trained) with some combat and decking skills.
[ Spoiler ]

Skill and attribute listing so far (I might finetune these a bit in the next couple of days so these numbers might not be final) here
[ Spoiler ]

Gear, contacts and cyber/bio aren't done yet.

I'm in if you've got room for one more
here's the background, you can decide if you want to 'recruit' him or not based on this if you please.

Derik White was born to a lower class family in one of the seedier districts of the Seattle Metroplex, but knew from an early age that the only way to not slide any further into the slums was thru school. riding a dream of one day leaving the hovel he lived in with his parents and brother and sister, the youngster pushed himself thru school and graduated. though his determination was strong, the deck was undoubtably stacked against him; improper living conditions, his brother becoming a BTL addict, his sister becoming a hood-rat for the local gang, trading her body to the gang to cover her family's 'protection charges.' all these things combined to result in a less than stellar, yet successful graduation from high school.

After deliberating thru his senior year in high school about his options, the young Derik White, filled with rage at what had become of his siblings, found his way into the UCAS armed forces. enlisting, he left his shattered home and family behind, vowing one day to return to bring them out of the depravity that had engulfed them. White had developed his computer skills in school and so was selected to become an electronics specialist. his enlistment passed by as he honed his skills; when his time to re-enlist came up, however, private first class White opted to extend his tour of duty with the UCAS armed forces.

Soon after his re-enlistment, PFC White advanced to the rank of Specialist. the now-specialist White was recruited into the intelligence community and trained in electronic warfare and how to manufacture and maintain such devices. this began his second, short, tour of duty with the UCAS military, as he had only re-enlisted for 2 years this time around.

At the end of his second tour of duty, life was just starting to get good for the now Sergeant White; re-enlisting for a third term, the UCAS military upgraded his security grade and so began his training to become a combatant. after several years of combat training, and feeling more like an infantryman than a technician, Sergeant White was promoted to Staff Sergeant and assigned to a UCAS special ops group. Soon he found himself across the border and in the Tir Tairngire; his team functioned as an 'in country' ops base, constantly on the move and in contact with all the UCAS spec forces teams in the Portland area of the Tir Tairngire that were performing covert espionage missions on a long term basis. Staff Sergeant White's team was responsible for receiving orders from the UCAS thru covert channels and briefing the teams that were in the tir tairngire, SSG White was responsible for building the electronic warfare devices that the teams used to spy on the elven government and their assets.

It was on a rather ordinary night that all hell broke loose and SSG White's team was sacked; it was over before it began, leaving White as the lone survivor and prisoner of the Tir government.

White was moved immediately to a military prison that 'does not exist' where there are no rules governing prisoner treatment. Over the next several months, White was tortured, slowly after the first few weeks of having his fingernails peeled off, his teeth pulled, and other similar forms of torture performed on him, he began to give up his sources. luckily, the UCAS had pulled all it's teams as soon as White's op center had been comprimised, but all of the people that White dealt with in the Tir to get parts and information from, he began to give up.

Finally, exhausted and praying for death, Derik White was left to bleed on the concrete of his cell as all his contacts were rounded up by the Tir police force and imprisoned for treason.
Due to work overflowing me at the moment (I'm on call this weekend) and it being our wedding anniversary tomorrow, I'm going to have to put off finishing up my character till Tuesday.
I've reviewed my quickly-slapped-together list of skills & attributes however, and the numbers I posted can be considered final.

Well, if you're doing play-by-post I'm in if you've still got space, though I'm not sure about a character just yet (since I just signed up for another one, so the elf gunbunny type I'd usually go for is out) when's the deadline for characters to be in by?
It looks pretty grim at the moment, but if you're still planning to run the game, I'd like to submit a character.
And I was just saying how I didn't want to start anyother games, seeing as how busy I have been at work. But then again, DH has proven to be a great player in the past with a good flare of imagination...

Oh hell, I can sleep less. Comsider my hat in the ring. Now to modify an existing character or make a new one.

Is the deadline still tomorow?
Assuming this thing is still open, I have an ex-Lone Star griffin shaman, a honest cop who was framed by the Yazuka for the death of his partner when he refused their bribes. I'll elaborate more when I get in from work.
Digital Heroin
Thanks everyone for sticking with me through periods of flakiness... watch cycle is a day from over, and this has been a hell of a set (worked 16 hours in a day with 2 hours sleep twice during this set, plus had Kung-fu, joy)... so with that in mind, I'm leaving the deadline a bit more open. As long as I have a bio by tommorrow evening, consider your deadline Sunday for character sheets, since we all know sheets aren't key to the opening of play. I'll be conducting the first little bit of the run (the recruitment), through PMs. The reason? Simple: not everyone is getting the same deal here. The more savy characters might be getting a better deal. I think this adds another dimension to an already twisted little set of circumstances which should prove fun.
you got enough ppl now i guess?
i have some backgrounds ready, they just need to be thrown in jail wink.gif
I'll just send you one of them. But with my luck all spots are taken anyway indifferent.gif

[Edit: I just can't read smile.gif]
Randi Shrike away..... well her history/bio anyways.

It was kind of an interesting challenge to actually make a criminal. I mean Shadowrunners (at least the ones I make) don't think of themselves as criminals at least in the sense of modern day criminals. So I had to put together someone who actually belongs in prison, not because they were caught running, but because their life choices made them criminals.

Anyways, I hope you like her DH.
Background and character sheet sent. Felt good to finally get all that down on paper...perhaps now I can actually refine it into the story I've been meaning to write for some time now...
Aamon is finished and off to you, DH.
*wonders if anything is ever going to come of this*
nuyen.gif nuyen.gif
Mack Damian Some prison in Seattle

*sitting if front of the Trid watching the daily news flashes, during recreation period wonder if its better to be in prison or out on the streets. here in prison you have a fair idea who is going to kill you, but on the streets of the world it could be some back ally thief. I hope things work out well during my stay here in the Hell Hole.

Been here for a while hoping that one day I am not going to be someones Bitch.*
Digital Heroin
Alright, those who've sent in bios, I thank you. I'm going to start preliminary PM negotiations (IC) later today.

So far I have bios for:

Mack Damian;
Daniel Dawn;
Blue Ice;
Gordon Reynall;
Derik White;
Randy Shrike; and

Of those characters I have sheets for Mack, Daniel, Amon, and Blue Ice.

So here's the deal... any with just a bio in, if you're still interested send me the sheet. You're all accepted at this point. I'd like everyone who's still in to PM me, just call it Liberation, and include "I'm in" or something of the like in the text... as they're received, I'll be responding with an IC post, which will take place in the prison your character is in.

The public IC thread, in which the group will meet eachother, will be introduced as soon as the majority of private negotiations are underway. I anticipate this will be in a few days.
Your sn is appropriate...I've been constantly watching for posts in this thread since it started...

btw, my char's name is Daniel Dawn-Treader.
Mack Damian Some prison in Seattle

*The idea of being relocated to another prison seems to give me the shivers. I have made some friends here who have given me some ideas as to what prison life is all about.

But this doesn't secure the fact that I am going to be transfered to a place where I am the new denizen, know now body and the way of life is different.

To have that feel of nauseas fear of anxiety and apprehension a of what will happen and how I will be accepted, or so to say welcomed.*
Character away. I stayed away from anything fancy.
Digital Heroin
Preliminary PMs should be going out tonight... my watch Cheif is to be thanked for my ability to form coherant thought, as I have my midnight shift for tonight off, and can nap...
Okay just to mention weekend are down time fromthe net mommy and baby need daddies attention, my posting is regular daily
@ Johnson,

I hear that.
And of course when everyone else vanishes is the time that I'm most active. frown.gif
Digital Heroin
I keep forgetting the weekends... didn't even realize it was Saturday today... still writing prelims... will try to post from work, as mids are relaxes shifts...
looking forward to it smile.gif
Digital Heroin
Initial PMs are away... keep in mind that those are for your character to know only... if they want to share later, then that's their choice... but if I ask for a roll during that PMed play, just post it at the end of a post, or seperate it with brackets of some sort.

If I sent you the wrong PM, or if you didn't get one, kick me here, and I'll get yours to you ASAP.
I assume that we reply via PM?
Digital Heroin
You asume correctly, aye...
Aye DH Macks PM is correct.
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