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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
Whoa! I came back to dumpshock and its all differnt now. Howdy to Cain and the other people in the Seattle area. So who else is out there? currently im running a non shadowrun game ever other sunday in ballard but hope to get back into the shadows by january at lease with a once a month game. I play 2nd or 3rd edition and have all but 4 books (prime runners, 3rd ed hard back, sprawl survival, and dragons of the 6th) I also enjoy the shadowrun card game but dont have any card. The new mini game looks intresting to.
I organize one-day Shadowrun "Game Days" every two or three months in the Seattle area. We try to get a convention "feel" without the convention cost. We currently play at the WizKids game store in Redmond, with two or three tables of players at each event.

We have a mailing list, for E-mail of interest to local Shadowrun players and announcements of games. To get on the mailing list, visit and click on "Join this Group".

(The following E-mail address is spread out to avoid spammers picking up on it.)
OurTeam at Comcast dot net

/Edit: update Group name
Hey, OurTeam, that sounds like fun.

I have a hankering to play, but know that I currently cannot commit to anything more than a once a month game.

Though the way things are going I may be an unemployed parisite on society over the winter.
I have scheduled two more Shadowrun "Game Days". Oct 25 and Nov 15 at the WizKids (!) game store in Redmond. Two runs each day, starting at 10:30 AM and 4:00 PM. Come meet other Shadowrun players in the Seattle area. I'm expecting 15 to 20 players this time. E-mail me for limits on new characters in our Game Days. ourteam at comcast dot net.
-- Larry
Lynnwood, WA here. Just a little north.

The 25th is my birthday, or I would show up... =) The event on November 15; well, Saturday is our regular gaming night. Do you guys ever get together during weeknights?
Most of us have a weekly gaming night too, in additional to these occasional "mini-convention" affairs. Consider bringing your whole crew for one day -- just to see what goes on, or perhaps show up yourself just for the first run (10:30 AM till 3:30 PM). Either way, we'd be happy for you to come play. I'll send more info by E-mail.
-- Larry
Thank you!
We had 18 people show up for our Shadowrun "mini convention" on Oct 25th. Our next one is November 15th in Redmond, WA. The tentative date for our final "Shadowrun mini convention" this year is December 27th. E-mail me if you want more details. Ourteam at comcast dot net
Again in November we had 18 people show up for our "mini convention" or "Game Day". Our next scheduled date is Saturday, December 27th, at 10:30 AM at WizKids in Redmond. Come join us.

Starting in January we'll play in the new Shadowrun Missions campaign world. Our Yahoo Group for announcements of local Shadowrun events is now "ShadowrunSeattle". To join, click on and log in with your Yahoo ID or create a Yahoo ID.
Crimson Jack
Sweet. Tukwila/Renton area here. GM quite a bit. Want to play more. cyber.gif
Hey everyone,

I have a group of people that do DnD 3.5, Shadowrun, World of Darkness, Aberrant, Exalted, Star Wars, and a few others.

We usually stick to the Eastside (Redmond) and game on Fridays and Saturdays.

Currently I am looking to start an Exalted game, and maybe a Shadowrun game.

Shadowrun would be held on Friday nights, and Exalted on Saturday days.

Also, we have a yahoo groups page for people that meet at Wizkids in Redmond, and gamers/storytellers looking for other players.

If your interest just shoot me an email.

Shadowrun Seattle Mini Convention January 31

We get 14 to 18 people together to play Shadowrun every two or three months. Our next mini-convention is this Saturday, January 31, 10:15 AM till 7:15 PM, free at the WizKids game store in Redmond. For details join

Next dates are tentatively March 27, May 29, July 31.
Shadowrun Game Day March 27. WizKids game store in Redmond. 10:15 arrival, 10:30 play starts. Two or three tables. Play all day. No cost. Either make a new character, or bring in an old character from the Virtual Seattle campaign with your log sheets. Standard character creation rules from the main book, plus no cultured bioware unless that bioware only comes cultured. Just show up. See you.
Heh Orion... Have you started that shadowrun game yet, im moving to the east side of the lake by fall and me and the future MRS would be intrested in joining perhaps.
tete, I'll send you Orion's E-mail address. I don't think he gets on here very often.

Everyone else: I ran Shadowrun (3 games) at Norwescon earlier this month, and will run some more at Seattle Game Con on May 15.

We also have another Game Day coming up May 29 at the WizKids store in Redmond. See details on ShadowrunSeattle.
Shadowrun Missions will run as an every-2-month event in the Seattle Area starting July 31, 2004, at the Genesis Games & Gizmos in Redmond, WA.

If you're interested, join the Yahoo Group we created just for coordinating these events.
Shadowrun Missions open to everyone.
Sept. 25, 2004, at Genesis Games and Gizmos in Redmond, WA
Bring your own character, see Missions Home for directions on making your own.

Contact me if questions:
ourteam at comcast dot net
I've been around here for quite some time and following this post since it started... and I just realized I've never posted to it.

I live in Kirkland, and I could use a new game...

That Shadowrun Missions deal sounds tempting... only problem is that I use Saturdays for gaming with a good group of friends. frown.gif Otherwise, I'd work a way in.

Anyone else got any games comin' up?
He's also going to be doing a SRM game on Sunday. I'm thinking about starting up another game, myself; PM me and let's talk about it.
Just a reminder -- use "Track this Topic" to get an E-mail whenever anyone drops something new onto this Thread.

Rustycon convention (
January 14-16, 2005. Near the Seattle airport in SeaTac.
I'll be running Shadowrun at 7 pm Friday and 7 pm Saturday.

Shadowrun Missions at Genesis Games and Gizmos in Redmond
January 22, 2005. Open game with room for new players.
10:30 am Start of first game -- 'Strings Attached'
4:00 pm Start of second game -- 'Harvest Time'
Bring your own Shadowrun Missions character (see SRM web site for directions)
I've started a regular SR game that will be run Saturday days at Genesis Games and Gizmos. This Saturday the game will be run at my home as the RPGA will be using all available table space at the game store.

Those interested should email me at


Hey folks--

I'm en route to the Seattle area (will be living in Shoreline), does anyone know of groups accepting members in the next month?
McQuillan --
Welcome to the Seattle area.
Make sure you get here in time for the Dragonflight game convention, running the last weekend in August. I haven't yet seen any Shadowrun events on the Dragonflight schedule, but I should submit one or two just to get something going.

Also, join the Yahoo group ShadowrunSeattle. The simple way to join is to send E-mail to "". I manage this list and post the upcoming Shadowrun events that I'm aware of to the list every month or two. There are over 100 members on the list now.

At the moment I don't know of any campaigns accepting members, but once you're a member of ShadowrunSeattle you can send a message to all its members.
Larry in Redmond WA
Wow, old thread. Adding my tag, here. I'm in the Magnolia Neighborhood of Seattle, right near the Locks.
biggrin.gif yeah well most of us have been on dumpshock since... geez lets see I know I started posting back when I was still playing 2nd edition (though everytime they change the software I have to rejoin). Currently Cain and I are playing in a SW d20 game on Sundays and I have a nWOD/Vampire:Dark Ages game I run on Wednesday nights. We use nWOD rules with Vampire:Dark Ages Clans and Powers. We may take a break and play alittle SR 4th when Im done with this part of the cronicle.

UPDATE: VDA ended, rather abruptly

04/20/06 - SR4th will be starting up in june on a weeknight in kirkland. cyber.gif back to the shadows for me cool.gif
Looking for players in the South Sound area, around Auburn, Federal Way, & Tacoma. I live on McChord AFB and want to GM, but I'll play with a group without any arm-twisting! Willing to drive into Seattle proper if that is where the gamers are.

I am in West Seattle
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