I am taking over for my GM who wants a break. We have some extra NPCs that act as members of the team and are there almost every run to round out the groups abilities. I am playing a night one PA with a ninja concept that I am benching while I GM, my former GM is playing Elven Mage from Tir na Nog on the path of the King (i know this is wrong but I am allowing it, hes got a good story, and hes not a power abuser), who has a wide variety of skills, the other two player right now are gun totting cybered humans one is a gunsmith with a thing for heavy weapons and anything full auto capable who has no intention of gaining any skills out side of this, the other is ex-military ranger/assasin sniper rifle user who has picked up some medical skills and a little stealth. Now my question is at what point do other GMs allow NPCs carry certain aspects of the game for the team, matrix, rigging, etc...? Is there a point where you cut off the apron strings and force the PCs evolve or be unable to compelte runs due to lack of appropriate skills, or worse get fragged because of it? Or do you continue letting NPCs fill in where need be?

My apologies I just noticed I posted this in the wrong place. newbie.gif