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Full Version: RPGi Needs 4 Testers. Can you help?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
What Is RPGi?
The purpose of RPGi is to be a Forum that is dedicated to giving RPG players a place to play EVERY DIFFERENT RPG on ONE Forum.
Whether you're playing D&D or Staw Wars D6, RPGi will provide the tools to play both across the internet.
The final product will allow users to have different Forum profiles for each seperate character that they have. Each character will have their own avatar, automatic experiance tracker, and character sheet no matter what system the character is for.
There is a Dice Roller built into the topic post/reply system so that any user may roll their dice in the forum for everyone to see. Even when you're on the go and check in at the local coffee shop.
The GM's will have virtually limitless control over their games they are running. They will be provided file storage space, and game thread forum moderation rights for their game. They will be able to fudge dice rolls give experiance that will be auto-updated on the recieving user's character sheet.
There is much, much more...but that is the general idea to get you interested.

What Where Are We Now?
RPGi is presently at Alpha Stage. This means that we have just gotten the most basic of functions and features operational on the Forum.
RPGi's Present Features:
  1. create characters that will be saved on our server with their character sheets
  2. create game specific threads
  3. make note of which RPG system is being used for the game in the Thread title
  4. use a Dice Roller that is embedded into the Forum and post the results.

These are the main functions that are presently featured in RPGi Alpha.
There are more features currently being worked on for following versions.

So What Do We Need?
We need 4 people to test out the forum.
Because we built the Forum from scratch rather than using a pre-made package.

If I Am A Tester, What Should I Look For?
What we will be asking that the 4 players look for are:
  1. Bugs
  2. Suggestions for System features
  3. Suggestions for the Sites Appearance & Design

What are The Requirements For Joining?
We are Requiring that the 4 players meet the following:
  1. Have advanced or a high level of table-top RPG experience.
  2. Want to play a game with 3 other players.

To Throw In Your Hat
Simply post your interest here in this Forum and I will send you a PM telling you the addresses of the places that you need to go once all 4 people have been chosen and I get the, "go ahead" from the other half of the team to let you guys loose on the Forum.

If you have any quesitons, please feel free to contact me through PM here. I will be checking in frequently to see if anyone has responded.
Registering my interest.

Although what exactly counts as a high level of RPG experience? I've played D&D on and off for 5 years, shadowrun consistantly for the last 2 and call of cthulhu for the last 6 months, but I've only taken part in a total of 4 play-by-post games, 3 of which fell apart before completion, so I'm not entirely sure if I'm the kind of person you want, but I'm here if required.
Play-by-post experiance is not a requirement.

Anything past 3 years of consistant RPGing of two or more RPG's is really all that is needed to be considered High level of RPG experience.

I'll use this post to hold the list of users who have been accepted.

Accepted Users:
Mybrainhurts (
Shadow (
McQuillan (
The_Sarge (
toturi (
Atrox (

We are at FULL and Complete level of testers. Thank you to everyone who has joined!
Anyone else who was also interested but did not make it to the team in time, there will be Beta testing as well.
Hey Stumps, I am game. Nice to see you back by the way. I would be down with a little Starwars RPG, but I'll play anything really.
Shadow! Of course, of course! You are most certainly on. biggrin.gif
I've been busy as all hell. I don't even play RPG's anymore. No time at all to do it.
But...I still try to help the community with stuff like this. smile.gif
Stumps--I'll throw my hat into the ring. I only have a little bit of experience with Star Wars d6, but have played D&D since before WOTC, Palladium in all of its flavors, and SR3 for about 2-3 years.
Sounds good. You're in.
Welcome aboard.
Well you can get all the flavors of SW D6 on Ebay, I have been thinking about getting them. The shame is I used to have all of them. But then we had to move on 72 hours notice. frown.gif

Shadow...did you happen to post in the wrong thread?
That didn't make any Topical sense.
biggrin.gif... Staw Wars? Huh? Anytime you need another tester, I should be available.
How many years have you been playing RPG's, and how many different RPG's have you played?
We still need one more player.
Anyone interested?
I was responding to McQuillan and him saying he had never played SW D6
ah, makes more sense now. more...someone please! I'm begging by now!
There's 4 players already. 1 more please!
QUOTE (Stumps)
How many years have you been playing RPG's, and how many different RPG's have you played?

Half my life, 13 years.

D and D - Realms, Rifts, Werewolf, Mummy, Spycraft, L5R, Stargate, and SR.
You're in!

That's it. That's everyone.
I'll let Firewall know we're ready and see if he's got everything the way he wants it for the testing.
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