Aug 28 2004, 01:11 AM
The hum of the city throbs on into the night, techno music carrying the spirit of the machine on a cybernetic breeze. Outside 'The Brick,' the local monorail hums by, sending cold blue sparks towards the ground below as it slides thru the local neighborhood, quiet compared to the techno coming from the nearby bar.
the backfire of an armored taxi draws attention to it's un-muffled passing. to those that know the shadows, one of the communities local denizens, messanger boy, skips into view. hardly 15, the asian kid comes to a stop in front of the Brick and tosses a handful of papers up into the air before skipping off into the night.
the nightlife looks at the papers as they litter the ground, curious, and find the papers dissolving into nothingness; all that is to be read are the words: "gravy's recruitment board."
Aug 28 2004, 06:48 AM
Outside of the Brick, conversations crest in volume, beating out the thumping techno coming from inside the humble bar; tables are set up to accomodate the bar's patrons providing an open air conversational option to the inside's smokey, high energy close quarters dance scene.
the mingling of voices from the conversations fills the air, an astute listener able to pick up pieces of many conversations...
"hey chummer, you heard about that wiz new club, the paradigm shift out in touristville?" "yeah it may be the wiz spot but the liquor's cheaper here! hahaha"
"wow did you see those flyers that lil kid tossed around? they were wicked, dissolved into thin air, said somethin like 'gravy's recruitment place' or gravy's sumthin or other..i wonder what that drek was about?..."
"aw honey, the view of the seattle skyline is so beaut..."
the night is filled with a festive air, so much innocence, so much peace, one can only wonder which of the sheep is wearing only a disguise and is but a wolf underneath...