Sep 5 2004, 10:54 PM
Hey All, I've updated my website, Firearm Designer, and have a new program ready for downloading.
Firearm Designer is updated; and a new program is ready for Beta Testing, Backpack, for players who want to keep track of their gear, how much weight they're carrying, and how much ammo they have/have left in each weapon, clip, magazine, belt etc.
Any feedback would be appreciated.
Sep 27 2004, 03:56 PM
If the screenshots are any indication, your apps look beautiful, SG. Unfortunately, I'm a WinXP guy, so I can't see your app first-hand
What language did you write it in? Cocoa? Java?
Sep 27 2004, 11:33 PM
QUOTE (Spookymonster) |
If the screenshots are any indication, your apps look beautiful, SG. Unfortunately, I'm a WinXP guy, so I can't see your app first-hand .
What language did you write it in? Cocoa? Java? |
I must agree. It looks BEAUTIFUL, like so many MAC programs but, in the end, I prefer my PC and, thus, can't enjoy or test the benefits of such a program. Perhaps someone will go ahead and convert it in the future.
Sep 28 2004, 12:46 AM
Media Access Code programs?
Keep in mind that unless Shadowghost has done a lot of work he didn't have to do, the program's calling the OS for default aqua shapes for stuff. A ported version would likely look altogether too familiar, and not from the screenshots.
Oct 2 2004, 01:03 PM
I wrote these in RealBasic. I intend to get a Windows Version of RB and port the code so I can post Windows versions.
Before I do that, I want to get the beta GM program up and running for the Mac first.
I don't have to write code for the aqua objects - it's done by RB itself. I just drag and drop the objects (buttons, popup menus etc) and write the code for what each is supposed to do, depending on how the user interacts with it.
A windows version would looks almost the same, interface-wise, but with the Windows XP look instead of the Mac Aqua feel.
Unfortunately, It's going to be a while before I get back to programming. I left home three weeks ago to fly across the country to spend all my time with mom who was in the hospital, before she passed away last week.
So, right now, until we get sorted through everything, all bets are off.
Oct 2 2004, 01:08 PM
Good luck with all that, and take care.
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