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The Question Man
Greeting everyone, I recently had a friend invite me to play on his Never Winter Nights game. On a server he runs and he even offered to hook up a computer for me so we could play.

As a PnP gamer I have a preference for face to face gaming. I have played First Person shooters with frineds on a LAN where we could rag on each other.

I like introducing people to Role Playing Games. I would let them borrow my books and enthusiastically help them out.

Now I am experiencing it from a Computer Role Playing Gamers. They want me to join. Are just as enthusiastic and willing to let you borrow their Games.

What makes it fun for you?

Why do I feel reluctant to join?


Well, due to copy protection and the like, it's pretty much impossible to "borrow" games to get started, as for a NWN game, each player would need a seperate copy of the game.

It's still fun, but not as good as the "real" thing, but for many of us, it's the only available option. As in real life though, your games are only as good as the people participating in them.
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