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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
I've had a blast at DragonCon with the swarm of Runs and impressive campaign setup. I can't wait for the next event, but I'm a bit overwealmed with how to handle the more obscure bits like Decking. I've found several key posts, but am unsure if they have since been overridden/changed so I humbly suggest either a FAQ or a seperate thread for complicated things like:
  • Magic (to include Houngan, Paths, Totems, Ally Spirits, Initiation, Spell Design, etc)
  • Decking (to include things used/not used from Matrix, fencing paydata, B/R's, etc)
  • Rigging (Pools that will be used, simplicity that will be used, B/R)

I know this may sound like my being lazy, but I have every book back to the hardbound first ed SR, the FanPro editions, even weird stuff like Kage's and Neo Guide to NA... and I'm very unsure of how to get my Decker 'campaign legal' and how to handle B/R's and such. A summary in seperate thread would do much to help players do stuff right and feel they are doing things 'right'.

Thanks again Bitrunner and Commandos... you're doing great work!

Hi Wasabi,
I spoke with Rich about this a few weeks ago. It's my understanding that several of these things are still being worked out or written up. In fact, the quick rules for decking couldn't have been published earlier because we've been waiting for MJLBB to be published. Look for new information from Rich "any day now" on some of these. (He also divides his time with getting adventures written.)

This simple answer to most of your questions is that we don't use any of the optional rules. You probably know this already.

As for B/R, you're obviously thinking of things for which there are no rules. I'm not sure what you're thinking of. My rule of thumb, as a GM, is that characters can't design and build any technical object in Shadowrun (that's already available in game) in less time or for less money than they can buy it on the street. After all, if all you needed was a high Design skill and a high BR skill and a shop or facility, then they'd be more available on the street.

Does this help any?

Commando #113, in Redmond WA (2 km from Glow City)
Certainly does help, thanks!

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