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Full Version: any chummers in the RI/southern Mass area?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
Hi all, Chris here. I'm trying to get an SR group going in the Providence, RI area.

I've been away from SR for a few years now and hoping to get back into it. I've been gaming for 16+ years now and looking for mature and experienced players to run the shadows. I have a couple of people that are interested and I'm looking for 1-2 more players to round out the group. Game would most likely be one weeknight per week or every other week (TBD) at my place in East Providence (right off 195).

Email me at Thanks!

Got a good group going and maybe looking for one more player. If anyone's out there, let me know. Thanks!
bump wobble.gif
Had a really good group going for a while but we took a couple of months off around the holidays. We're trying to get things started again and also possibly adding another player.
What day do you play on, out of interest?

What day do you play on, out of interest?

We're looking at Sunday nights, most likely from 6-10ish, give or take. We're still looking for 1-2 more players. One guy in the group is a Commando as well.
Still looking for players? My schedule has rearranged such that this is now feasible for me, I think.

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