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Full Version: Gaming stores in/near Largo, FL
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Jason Farlander
Hello, a friend of mine who just moved down into the area was having some trouble finding a gaming store. Since that information might be of use to me in the reasonably near future, I figured I'd ask my fellow dumpshockers for advice on how I should direct her.

What gaming stores exist in or near Largo, and (if there are several to choose from) which do you recommend?
Largo area? Well, There's Gamers Galaxy in St Pete. I dont have the address on me right now but she can look it up. There is also Emerald City. And finally in Lakeland which is a drive away is Fanasty Factory, which I think is the best game store in Central Florida.
Jason Farlander
cool, thanks.
Jr. Woodchuck
QUOTE (Azryl)
Largo area? Well, There's Gamers Galaxy in St Pete. I dont have the address on me right now but she can look it up. There is also Emerald City. And finally in Lakeland which is a drive away is Fanasty Factory, which I think is the best game store in Central Florida.

Better then SciFi City in Orlando?
I havent been to Sci-Fi City so I cant compare but Fanasty Factory sets the bar pretty high. Where is Sci-fi city located?
Can anyone tell me a Gaming Store in Central Ohio, I want to get something nice for Xmas...
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