Jason Farlander
Sep 16 2004, 05:40 AM
Hello, a friend of mine who just moved down into the area was having some trouble finding a gaming store. Since that information might be of use to me in the reasonably near future, I figured I'd ask my fellow dumpshockers for advice on how I should direct her.
What gaming stores exist in or near Largo, and (if there are several to choose from) which do you recommend?
Sep 16 2004, 03:39 PM
Largo area? Well, There's Gamers Galaxy in St Pete. I dont have the address on me right now but she can look it up. There is also Emerald City. And finally in Lakeland which is a drive away is Fanasty Factory, which I think is the best game store in Central Florida.
Jason Farlander
Sep 16 2004, 06:42 PM
cool, thanks.
Jr. Woodchuck
Oct 3 2004, 04:34 PM
QUOTE (Azryl) |
Largo area? Well, There's Gamers Galaxy in St Pete. I dont have the address on me right now but she can look it up. There is also Emerald City. And finally in Lakeland which is a drive away is Fanasty Factory, which I think is the best game store in Central Florida. |
Better then SciFi City in Orlando?
Oct 9 2004, 07:15 PM
I havent been to Sci-Fi City so I cant compare but Fanasty Factory sets the bar pretty high. Where is Sci-fi city located?
Oct 19 2004, 11:02 PM
Can anyone tell me a Gaming Store in Central Ohio, I want to get something nice for Xmas...
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