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Fygg Nuuton
whats the difference between a member and an advanced member?
And you are Special; don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

I am assuming it has to do with number of posts but I could be wrong again. frown.gif
Maybe it has something to do with those whove donated in the past? Or perhaps those who have slipped the admins a fiver?
I haven't slipped anyone anything, except maybe some tongue, so I think that is not the case. biggrin.gif
Neuron Basher
QUOTE (Fygg Nuuton)
whats the difference between a member and an advanced member?

Those titles are subject to change when we finally get around to it. We're thinking of going back to the old Tasty Human and so on. And no, we're not going to divulge the particulars of when each step in the list occurs -- we don't want to encourage spam. We're keeping an eye on this to see how it goes.
Does that mean that the old post count carried over? Please say yes.

[EDIT]: It just changed. Right after I posted. That is spooky.
QUOTE (Switchblade)
Does that mean that the old post count carried over? Please say yes.

[EDIT]: It just changed. Right after I posted. That is spooky.

Yes, your old post counts did carry over.

But be warned. Post pumping to increase post count WILL result in that user's post count being reset. We can and will edit post counts, and this is not the only tool we have at our disposal to discourage post pumping.
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