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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
OK, I was cleaning out my pocket notebook & found some old Preveiws clippings of some SR books that were supposedly coming out. I got rid of the one for Mr Johnson's Little Black Book, but the two left, "Shadows of Asia" and "Loose Alliances" seemed to have vanished into the black hole of cancellation. Does anyone have any news of these?
Thanks in advance.
I think the official site mentioned those as being after SOTA 64. I could be wrong though.
I didn't see any info on the official site, but thanks, Canid13. I'll take another look.
It was a while back, before SOTA 64 was ever mentioned on there.


Sorry I can't be more help.
Lucien Cross
Both of these books are still in the pipeline for future releases. I can't give you solid dates but I can say that they are definitely goin to happen.
I agree. I just had a look at the FRP Games site and they list the following (if you look at the list of Shadowrun books);

Shadowrun RPG: Loose Aliances (pre-order Dec. release) FPR250006 $24.99
Shadowrun RPG: Running Wild (Preorder Nov. release) FPR250005 $19.99
Shadowrun RPG: Shadows of Asia (preorder Jan. release) FPR250007 $24.99

I'm assuming that the Nov & Dec dates are for '04, and the last is an '05 release date.
Joe Outside
Perhaps, but the distributors haven't had anything about them on the pre-order catalogues (just got December's), so I wouldn't get my hopes up on too speedy a release.
Granted, Joe, but just having the ordering info is better than nothing.
I'm pretty sure that both Loose Alliances and Running Wild were both solicited ages - as in, months if not a year - ago, actually.

[still not sure why the heck this was posted here and not in, you know, the Shadowrun forum . . . wink.gif]
Sorry Adam. embarrassed.gif
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