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Full Version: Magic & the Law 2064
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Okay I've got a bit of a disagreement (with a player in my campaign) on the law and magic? I don't have the books handy so I'm curious to see what people remember? With magic ect. what kind of restrictions are there in on say combat spells, mind reading spells and stuff like that? As I remember you needed license to cast high powered magic? Something 9+, the average human getting hit by a force 9 fireball with a body of 3 is going to probably not come out of such an event in one coherent piece. What does everyone remember about law and magic? The specifics ellude me so I wanted to hear what everyone thought?

Oh yeah before I forget, if you know the specifics (pages) then why the hell are you not a Shadowrun Commando?
I believe the maximum unregistered spell force is 3, but I could be way off.
Currently, any spell, spirit, focus, or other magical effect of Force 3 or higher is legally regulated within the UCAS and CAS, though permits may be acquired to use such magic.

MITS p11.

I'm no Commando because I'm too damn lazy to submit my demo scenario for Commando phase 2.
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