Nothing wrong with faces, especially for bodyguards, who have to deal with all kinds of situations. My guy has a few face tendencies, himself. Here is my contribution, a troll adept who is not your typical muscled bruiser:
Here is the breakdown:
Troll: 10
Edges: +3
Flaws: -8
Resources: 0 (5,000 - 25% = 3,750 Nuyen)
Attributes: 60
Skills: 30
Magic (Adept): 25
TOTAL: 120
Rent (Dirk Platt), Male Troll Adept
Attributes -
Body: 7[8]
Quickness: 5
Strength: 8
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 5
Willpower: 6
Essence: 6
Magic: 6
Reaction: 5(9)
Initiative: 9 + 3d6
Combat Pool: 7
Good Karma: 0
Karma Pool: 1
Active Skills -
Etiquette: 5
Negotiation: 4
Pistols: 6
Stealth: 6
Unarmed Combat (Brawling if CC rules): 6
Knowledge Skills -
English/Cityspeak: 4/6 R/W: 2/-
Japanese: 4 R/W: 2
(Other Skills)
Bodyguarding: 5
Magical Background: 3
Seattle Hot Night Spots: 4
Seattle Rumormill: 3
Security Procedures: 5
Underworld Politics: 3
Adept Abilities -
Improved Ability/Pistols: 6 Dice
Increased Reflexes: 2
Edges -
Bonus Attribute Point: Intelligence
Good Looking and Knows It
Flaws -
Bad Karma
Distinctive Style
Contacts -
Fixer (Level 1)
Night Club Owner (Level 1)
Lifestyles: 1 Low (1 Month prepaid).
Matrix Service: Premium Matrix Service (Illegal Hookup) with 1 extra wireless device and 2 extra Channels (1 Month prepaid at 245/Month)
Credstick Balance: 1700 Nuyen.
Gear -
Weapons: Remington Roomsweeper, Concealable Quick-Draw Holster, 40 Rounds of Regular (Slug) Ammo.
Armor/Clothing: Secure Long Coat, Ordinary Clothing (x 3), Fine Clothing (x 1).
Other Gear: Black Canvas Duffel Bag (of 100 Nuyen cost), Medkit (Rating 6) with Supplies (x1), Wire Clippers, 1 set of Metal Restraints, Cell Phone, Pager, Telecom(5 Mp).
Bull's 50+ Questions -
1. What is your characters Sex?
2. What is your characters physical size?
Medium height (for a troll), thin and wiry.
3. What is the color of the characters Hair, eyes, and skin?
Slicked-back black hair with a little bob of a ponytail and bushy sideburns, piercing blue eyes, and tanned, weatherbeaten skin.
4. What is the character's general appearance (i.e., How does he dress, etc.)?
Dirk dresses elegantly, and takes special care to keep the one suit that he owns in good condition. He always wears a fedora (black to match his armored duster), which shades his eyes (and he knows how to dramatically lift it up a bit to reveal his piercing gaze). He has a deceptively laid-back demeanor, and his face, while nearly expressionless, still seems to exude amiability.
5. Where was the character born (City, State, Hospital Name)?
Dirk was born in the Seattle sprawl, in the Redmond Second Regional Med Center, a wretched public facility that abandoned in 2046.
6. What is the characters date of birth?
March 3rd, 2042.
7. What was the character's family life like?
Dirk's dad was a straight arrow who ran a small, struggling convenience store. Dirk quickly grew to hate the criminals who robbed or extorted the neighborhood businesses. His dad and mom both worked, but they also found time to help their children with their schoolwork and read the Bible to them. His memories of his childhood are mostly happy ones, although his mom and dad were strict at times.
8. Has the character begun his own family?
No. He doesn't want to live like his family did, always struggling from day to day and always at the mercy of criminals. He has a decent social life, but he won't think of settling down until he is financially secure.
9. Where or how was the character educated?
Dirk went to the sprawling Southeastern High School, a dump of a public school terrorized by gang punks and jocks hoping to break out into the pro urban brawl leagues, with a dumbed-down curriculum. Fortunately, his parents supplemented this with enough home-schooling that he actually got a semi-decent education.
His two older brothers taught him some things as well. One of them started a gang - more of a neighborhood association than a thrill gang. The other one joined Lone Star as a beat cop. They both taught him some useful skills, and he especially loved shooting at the police range.
10. Has the character ever done anything else for a living?
Dirk helped out at the store some, like all of his siblings, but his dad was afraid to let him work the till, because he was too hot-headed, and his dad was worried he would get shot by some shoplifting punk over a few lousy groceries. He thought of joining his brother's gang or Lone Star, but he was too much of a loner for that to appeal to him, so he got into bodyguarding. It was good work, but he found himself involved in a few other illicit activities to supplement his income, as well.
11. What are the characters political and religious beliefs?
Dirk is contemptuous of a system where millions of people like him have no SIN and no vote. He favors firebrand activism, as opposed to his dad who prefered awareness-building groups like MOM and otherwise working within the system. Dirk could best be described as a budding neo-anarchist.
Dirk is Southern Baptist like his dad, although, also like his dad, he distrusts the right wing that has dominated the Southern Baptists for so long.
12. Describe the character's Moral code. Include how mercenary he is, whether or not he'll kill innocents, etc.
Dirk has been brought up to try to do the right thing. But with no institutions that he can respect, the right thing to do is something that he has to decide on a case-by-case basis. He will almost never get involved in wetwork - the only exception would be to take down someone who is extremely "evil", such as a BTL producer or blood mage. He also avoids jobs such as arson, evicting squatters, intimidating witnesses, and such. He sees "real" shadowrunning as freelance criminal muscle with some brains, and sees "shadowrunners" who do such things as simple thugs. Although his cynical street name indicates he's in it for the money, it is not the be all and end all for him - it would not be out of character for him to hand a credstick to a shop owner whose store just got burned down, or to help a group of squatters being preyed upon by a vicious gang.
13. Does the character have any goals?
Dirk hasn't always liked what he has done to make ends meet, but most days he can face himself in the mirror. He plans to retire someday, when he can actually afford to do so, but that day is hard to imagine at this point.
14. Why does the character run the shadows? (Why does he run the shadows still, rather than getting a "real" job?)
To be honest, running the shadows has spoiled him. He is used to setting his own hours, working unsupervised, and taking time off to do something else whenever he feels like it (while in-between jobs, that is). Shortly before getting into full-time shadowrunning, when he wanted to supplement his sporadic pay from bodyguarding, he took a part time job as a bouncer, and hated it. Also, he does not like the megacorporations that much, and could not see himself having to deal with their attitude on a daily basis. Criminal organizations, of course, are out of the question - bodyguarding is one thing, but getting in deeper would take him to the point where he would have to say no to some kind of nasty drek, and probably get killed for it.
15. What kind of personality does your character have? This should not necessarily be obviously stated in the background, as it is more important for actually playing the character, but it may colour or add mood to the history.
Dirk is a stubborn man with a fiercely personal code of honor. He tends to side with the underdog. He is not completely inflexible, but there are still some lines that he absolutely will not cross.
16. What special qualities does the character posess? This does not refer to skills, but rather at other things, such as How he gets along with people, does he plan ahead, etc.
Dirk is unusually charming, and sharp-witted, for a troll. He is good at "reading" people and reacting quickly to threats.
17. Are their certain things the character can't or won't do? Why?
Dirk can use deadly force against other professionals if he has to, but he will never kill an innocent person, or even wound them unless the circumstances are extraordinary (i.e. knock out the well-meaning but stupid mall security guard so he can stop a terrorist from detonating a bomb). If an innocent person is even accidentally harmed at his hands, he will be guilty about it for days. However, if an "innocent" person comes after a client he is bodyguarding, he will grit his teeth and put his qualms away. He will feel bad later, but he will still protect his client.
18. What things, people, or ideas does the character hate?
Dirk hates criminals, not in the sense of people outside of the law, like shadowrunners, but in the sense of people who are parasites feeding off the sweat and effort of others - he hates casino owners, slum lords, and a lot of corporate types just as much as he hates thrill gangs and BTL dealers. He has more of an almost amused contempt for racists, an attitude of "How stupid can you BE to think that way?" Once someone has revealed themselves as a racist, Dirk will think of him or her as an utter imbecile, no matter how intelligent that person might seem in other matters.
19. What things people, or ideas does the character love?
Dirk loves people who shake up the status quo and give the finger to the establishment, even when he disagrees with them. He likes the intellectual ferment of the neo-anarchist philosophy. The Monty Phelps Show, with the bawdy Monty Phelps, crudely humorous skits, a bevy of giggling beauties, and white trash guests that Monty mocks (think Benny Hill merged with the most tawdry imaginable daytime talk show), is a guilty pleasure of his.
20. What is the character's name? Give both full birth name, as well as nicknames, street names, etc.
His name is Dirk Randolph Platt, and his shadowrunning alias is Rent.
21. Determine what your character used to do, before becoming a shadowrunner (very important).
Dirk was previously purely a bodyguard, but this semi-legitimate work was not enough, by itself, to pay the bills, so he expanded into less legitimate jobs such as datasteals and extractions.
22. Decide why your character left his or her old job, if he had one (also important).
Dirk started doing other things to supplement his bodyguarding, and pretty soon he was doing the other things almost as much as the bodyguarding.
23. Come up with a reason for why the character became a shadowrunner. (This very often will tie in with #22. This is not the same as #14, but rather why he started running the shadows originally. What led him to it?)
Doing odd jobs, it is only natural that he would start doing extra-legal work to make ends meet. He had no respect for the law, so his question would not be "Is this legal?" but "Do I find this wrong, personally?" Finding few qualms with working at shadowrunning, since his opinion of all corporations was so low, he soon found that his skills were in demand and well-suited for running.
24. How did your character come to know his or her contacts? Contacts are an important part of Shadowrun, decide how and why you know them.
Molly Finn (Fixer, Level: 1) is a short elven woman with close-cropped black hair and designer violet cybereyes. She talks a mile a minute and seems scatter-brained, although Dirk has known her long enough to know that it's an act. She has decent connections and knows lots of gossip about the business. Just be careful what you tell her, because she can't keep a secret. Dirk was recruited by her for his first job, when a team's sammie got hospitalized and they needed some replacement muscle, quick. Since then, he has used her as his regular fixer.
Snake Eyes (Night Club Owner, Level: 1) is a Japanese man who sports the latest (garish) fashions and runs a seedy establishment that features sushi, dice games, and a dance floor. It also has a few private rooms, which Dirk will never use for business, because he knows they are all bugged. It is a hangout for corporate slummers, along with joygirls, joyboys, BTL and drug dealers, and shadowrunners. He met Snake Eyes when he rescued him from a pair of suits who accused him of cheating at dice (probably correctly). He and Snake Eyes occasionally get together to catch up on the latest gossip.
25. Does the character have a SIN? Does the character actually use it? Or is the character one of the SINless masses? This may be affected by the character's previous employment.
Dirk has never had a SIN.
26. Is the character a full-time shadowrunner? Or does the character lead a Batman-like double existence?
Dirk is mainly a shadowrunner now, but is still not adverse to taking a bodyguarding job. It's not really a double existence, though, just a mix of semi-legitimate and illegal work.
27. Which person(s) or group(s) do you love the most?
He loves his family, and they will always come first.
28. Which person(s) or group(s) do you hate the most?
He hates leeches, manipulators, and bullies. He especially hates criminal organizations and corrupt corporations where those behaviors have been institutionalized. And he really hates how people like that dare to look down on the people they are victimizing.
29. Which person(s) or group(s) do you respect the most?
He deeply respects activists, protesters, and muckraking journalists, and will help to protect such people whenever he can.
30. Which person(s) or group(s) do you fear the most?
Tamanous. Dead is dead, but the thought of some sickos carving his corpse up for spare parts afterwards, and tossing the leftovers to ghouls, gives him the creeps.
31. What is your favourite colour?
Sepulcher black.
32. What is your favourite food and/or drink?
He likes authentic Mexican cuisine and other hot, spicy foods. He likes the food at the Big Rhino. He is mostly a beer man, but he likes the occasional mixed drink, especially if it is one with a cool name.
33. What place would you most like to visit?
He would love to eat at the Eye of the Needle restaurant on top of the Space Needle, but he always gets distracted by the smells from Tam's under the Needle, and winds up eating there instead.
34. Which person(s) or group(s) are you most loyal to?
His family always comes first. He also feels a responsibility to protect the good name of shadowrunning by avoiding bad, noisy press or excessive violence.
35. What pastime (that you participate in regularly) gives you the most enjoyment? (Warning: Answering Sex for this question can and will result in penalties to your character!)
Dirk puts most of his energies into work, so he unwinds by doing lazy things like walking around Pike Place or the Seattle Aquarium, lurking on a few of the livelier discussion boards, or settling down with a few beers at a friendly bar.
36. What pastime (that you participate in regularly) gives you the least enjoyment?
Dirk has to sometimes protect people that he would rather just let DIE. It's not so bad when he's just protecting them from other criminals or corporate sharks, but it's really bad when he realizes that he is protecting a scumbag from someone who probably has a legitimate grudge against them.
37. What annoys you the most?
Dirk hates criminals who victimize the innocent, but two kinds especially annoy him: corporate types who consider themselves above the law (and who frequently are), and mafia and yakuza types who give themselves a lot of airs and talk about how "cultured" and "honorable" they are.
38. What (if any) is your favorite form of art?
Dirk likes popular media, finding the artsy stuff too pretentious.
39. What is your greatest goal?
Dirk feels he does good, but sometimes it seems he is too much a part of what he despises. Most of the time, he can draw the line, but other times, he doesn't like his job, or himself, at all. One of these days, he would like to be able to protect someone really worth protecting - not just a good person, but a good person whose well-being truly affects the world.
40. What do you think is your characters best quality?
His tarnished but still stubborn code of honor.
41. What do you think is your characters worst quality?
His dilemma - contemptuous of the law, but bitterly distrustful of the criminal element that he works with.
42. What is the most important thing you have ever done?
He once kept a metahuman rights activist alive during a city-wide march, despite thugs from the Humanis Policlub who wanted to shut her up.
43. Which religion (if any) do you follow?
Baptist, although not a stickler for every point of dogma, especially since he does not like or respect the dominant conservative faction at all.
44. What is your most treasured possession (and why)?
An old, synthleather-bound copy of the King James Bible that his dad gave him.
45. What are your three most common dreams?
> He's walking down Pike Place when someone tosses him a big fish. He takes the fish into the Big Rhino and sets it down on a plate, then looks up at the stage. Instead of one of the foul-mouthed comics, a fat, balding man in a suit stands on stage and starts spouting humanis drivel in a shrill voice. Two huge trolls grab him and toss him on the table. The fish starts shouting "Don't eat me. Eat him! Eat him!" Dirk tears an arm off of the man and takes a bite out of it. It tastes like chocolate cake for some reason. Dirk wakes up shaking his head and thinking "Man, I had that weird dream again."
> He is walking up to the mansion of a mob boss, wearing mirrorshades and carrying a ludicrously huge firearm. He kicks down the front doors to see the mob boss standing there. The mob boss nervously pulls out a crumpled piece of paper and begins to read: "You won't get away with this, hero, my guards will die... um... kill you..." Dirk grimly responds "You messed up your lines. Now you must die," and shoots him. Sometimes the dream has more combat sequences in it, which seem inspired more by cheesy first-person shooters or martial arts trideo games than his own actual experiences with combat.
> He's walking through the Seattle Aquarium, where in addition to the sea life, there are people skinny-dipping as well. He and the other tourists are naked, too, but this doesn't bother him. He is not excited, or embarrassed, just very mellow. Everything is cool.
46. What is the Characters current relationship with his family?
Still good, visits them occasionally.
47. If the characters family is still alive, what do they do, and where do they live?
His dad tragically died - Dirk is convinced that the man worked himself to death - and Dirk was a mess for about a month afterwards. His mom runs the store now, with Dirk's two younger sisters to help her, and with Dirk and his two brothers all occasionally pitching in to help with the finances. His brothers are doing all right, and he visits them as well. He tries to keep them from being involved in any way in his business, though, because he does not want to ever bring any heat down on them.
48. Where did the character learn his Skills?
His public education complemented with home schooling, and his two brothers, in addition to a few things picked up on the streets or the school of hard knocks.
49. Does the character have a good luck charm? What is it, and why?
No. He has a few pieces of junk (an old bullet casing, a brass key chain, etc.) that hold memories for him, but they are just mementos, not good luck charms.
50. What type of music does the character like?
He likes synth and techno music with little or no vocals. He likes Celtic music as well, but prefers the traditional style.
51. List any past serious relationships that your character has had, and give a brief overview of the relationship.
He has dated, but no serious relationships. He has no problems dating non-trolls, but the human women who have come on to him have often been the troll-fetish types who like the rough bad boys, so he tends to be a bit cooler with them.
52. Where does your character live? Why does he live there?
Right now, he is in a squalid tenement building near the Puyallup barrens. The apartment, he is actually used to, but he does want to move up to better accommodations - Puyallup offers striking scenery, but having to wear a breath filter on most days sucks big time.
53. Remember, your Gamemaster likes detail, so if you can think of any other little details, quirks, or whatever that you think might please the almighty GM, then add them in as well. Oh, and your GM won't use any of these details against you at a later date. trust me...
Dirk has his share of flaws, but he is still a straight arrow. He is not the type to do something he doesn't want to and then angst about it - he just won't do it in the first place. He will do SOME things he feels bad about afterwards, but not stuff like shooting an innocent person for money then being an alcoholic mess for a week afterwards. He is a pro, but will refuse to do the dirtier jobs. He has his gentle side when he meets street kids or people in trouble, as well as a nasty side when he encounters some of the scummier criminals. The basic concept of Dirk is an honorable man who often has to bend to survive, but doesn't like it. He is especially ambivalent about some of the dirtbags he has to bodyguard.