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Hey guys, i know this card game is now way defunct, but i was wondering if anyone has any old card lists for First Run, and Underground.

I have almost a complete set of each, and i might try to complete it somehow just for kicks.

If anyone has card lists, it would be appreciated.

Kanada Ten
I'm not sure how complete it is but DV8's website Wired Reflexes has an art gallery that includes many of the Shadowrun Trading Cards, starting here.

Let me see if I can find the thread from the last time this popped up.
Kanada Ten
Previous Thread with all the goods, baby.

Drek, I'm good. wink.gif
I think I still have some images of other cards that someone got me, but I haven't updated my site in a while because I'm not playing Shadowrun at the moment. Expect things to start moving in a couple of months or so.

...or when I have a bored evening. Or something. smile.gif
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