Sep 2 2003, 05:29 AM
Surprised nobody's started anything like this up here yet.
To begin with, any information on whether WizKids is going to jump on as an exhibitor?
Also, how many people have applied to run events? What kind of events?
There's still two weeks left, and I am planning on applying myself.
And who's going that hasn't made hotel reservations yet? I am always looking for a chance to minimize expenses.
Sep 2 2003, 01:29 PM
I'm pretty sure that WizKids will be there, and FanPro will be there, sharing space with Fast Forward and the other FF affiliate companies.
Sep 5 2003, 01:43 AM
My crew ill be running events there for FanPro as well.
We'll have a bunch of demos and one shot events, as well as a one day, 6 hour mini-tournament event. Along with Shadowrun, we'll be doing a demos of The Dark Eye, FanPro's new Fantasy RPG (Well, new in English, anyways. It's been around in German for 20 years).
Sep 5 2003, 05:46 AM
Excellent, good to know there will be a presence. Thanks Adam and Bull.
Sep 7 2003, 01:20 PM
I'll have a list of events available in the next few days, i hope.
Glad to know we'll have at least one person looking to play SR there
Sep 8 2003, 02:41 AM
Well, if I was still there.......
Do you know how much it costs to fly back to San D?
More then I have right now. Maybe Jack might be able fill in for me...
Sep 18 2003, 08:19 PM
I live less than 60 miles from the event. I saw the website but there's not much up on it yet. What if you want to volunteer, but havent gotten a room or anything yet?
I'm one of those people who is willing to volunteer to do things because that's the only way she'll ever get to see the event. *smiling*
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