Oct 8 2004, 03:56 AM
ok, here is the OOC, get to know one another. If you want to make any changes to your character, now is the time. What I have in my folder Saturday night is the final character list.
Oct 8 2004, 04:16 AM
WOOT!! Here's the info for my guy.
I put stuff the team would know by now, ware, spells, etc.
Name: Donnie "Sunshine" Fraiser
Race: Elf
Sex: Male
Age: 26
5' 6" with short dishwater blonde hair. Athletic build and has a tattoo of an eastern dragon on his left arm, a left over from his youth. Sun browned skin.
Awakened: Sun Shaman (sorcery aspected)
Initiate Grade: 3 (The Circle w/ Oath, Deed and Thesis)
Metamagics: Sheilding, Masking and Centering
Geasa: Ritual (every dawn)
Body: 6
Quickness: 9
Strength: 7
Charisma: 8
Intelligence: 8
Willpower: 6
Essence: 4.50
Magic: 5 (9)
Bio Index: 5 (2.50)
Reaction: 10
Initiative: 1d6
Combat Pool: 11
Spell Pool: 7
Astral Combat Pool: 11
Astral Pool: 3
Focused Concentration
True Beliver (Tir)
Sorcery (Will) 6
Throwing Weapons (Str) Sp: Thowing Knife 5/7
Pistols (Qui) Sp: Savalette Guardian 2/4
Aikido (Str) 6
w/ Evasion & Whirling & Close Combat
Athletics (Bod) 4
Stealth (Qui) 4
Biotech (Int) Sp: First Aid 5/7
Centering (Will) 6
Biology (Kno) 6
Chemistry (Kno) 6
Forensic Medicine (Kno) 6
Medicine (Kno) 6
Toxicology (Kno) 6
Cybertechnology (Kno) 6
Magic (Kno) 6
Psychology (Kno) 6
English (Lan) 3
Sperethiel (Lan) 4
Gaelic (Lan) 6
Eye-Light System
Eye-VisMag 3 (Optical)
Eye-Microscopic Vision
Eye-Image Link
Battle Tac Cyberlink
Smartlink 2
Filter: Blood (2)
Ear-Cyber Replacement
Ear-Sound Filter (5)
Ear-Spatial Recognizer
Ear-Hearing Amp
Muscle Aug (3)
Muscle Toner (2)
Suprathyroid Gland
Cerebral Booster (2)
Sleep Regulator
Trauma Dampener
Enhanced Articulation
Mnemonic Enhancer (1)
Synthacardium (2)
Treat 6
Heal 6
Awaken 3
Cure Disease 6
Fast 1
Nutrition 1
Antidote 6
Detox 6
Prophylaxis 4
Resist Pain 6
Enhance Aim 6
Combat Sense 6
Armor 4
Diagnose 5
Detect Life 6
Increased Relfexes 1
Stun Bolt 6
Stun Ball 5
Stabilize 6
Donnie was born into the Gentry class. His family was very traditional in outlook. They pushed him hard in school and encouraged him to better himself. They hoped in the next Rite of Progression he could rise to the next caste. He showed a talent for the medical sciences. He recieved a scholarship from the Huro ke'Envar (Society of Healers) to attend college. It appeared he was destined to become a member of the Beletre (Passionate) Paladins.
He was identified early on as being Awakened, especially after he began to tell his teachers what the sun had said or seen. His early drawings were almost always ones of the sky and sun. He enjoyed the embrace of the outdoors and found nature a welcome companion. It was determined that his magical talent was shamanistic. He had little affintiy for the more structured hermetic systems of magic. His parents arranged for him to receive guidance from a more seasoned Sun shaman. He would spend summers with Tess, the shaman, and learned his gifts were focused on manipulating mana. He could never find it within himself to force his will upon the spirits. He saw them as family and could never imagine making them yield to his selfish desires.
With the Rite of Progression successfully completed, he suddenly found himself able to choose more. He was now a member of the Chivalry. He struggled. He believes strongly in the Tir nation. He knows the elves are the chosen people, reborn to bring the rest of the world into an enlightened age. He knew that he could help continue to build up the elven people. His magic allowed him to nurture and protect life all around him. He could breath life back into a nearly dead body with ease.
He chose the Ghosts. There he could serve and play a direct role in the world of Tir. He could keep the Paladins strong and ready to defend the people and carry out the will of the Princes. He knows the violence that surrounds them but it is a necessary evil. He can try to mitigate the damage done in the line of duty. He could at least prevent the death of more of his people fighting for Tir. He would serve as he could.
With the rise of rebels in the government and the suffering of the lower castes, he has begun to struggle more with the needed changes for the Tir to thrive. He believes the rebels have a legitimate cause to cry out and demand change but they have only made matters worse. He hopes his people will fnd their way out of this darkness. He offers prayers everyday for the Princes to receive the wisdom needed to resolve this crisis. He knows things must change but lacks the vision and needed wisdom to see the way out of these trials. He can only place his faith in the universe and hope the answer comes soon before more lives are lost.
With the team, he's a team player. He never shirks his duties. He takes his role seriously and makes their helath his first priority. He lives on base and seems to only have a few friends outside of the unit. His nickname is a play on his totem and his youthful outlook.
Oct 8 2004, 12:34 PM
Sylph is the epitome of Tir Ghost. He's quickly rised through the miltary channels and made Ghost in record time. Sylph is quiet to the extreme, surprising people regularly who weren't aware he was around. He's not known to speak, presumably mute, but can communicate through his internal transducer, or telepathy if the need is there. What he is know for is being ruthlessly efficient in both survival and combat. Some say he never eats, drinks, or even sleeps. It is said that with his Katana in hand, he's near unbeatable in melee combat, and with his stealth skills, he rarely has trouble making sure he reaches melee distance. He's taken all the survival tests and passed hands down. Able to survive in the most dire environments indefinitely, he qualified as a Pathfinder within his first year in the military.
The thing that most people forget about Sylph, is that his real strength is in being a Mage. He's so tuned in his physical being, that people forget easily that above all else, he's a practicioner of the arts, and damn good at it too. His squad members glean firsthand how he survives such hostile environments, not from survival skills, but from his ability to siphon everything he needs from the local mana flow. His Nutrition and Fast spell assures that nobody is either malnurished nor hungry when in the field. His control over the temperatures allows a level of comfort in the hostile desert, or overbearing artic, and his oxygenate allows him to stay underwater for long periods without the need for air.
Character Sheet:
[ Spoiler ]
Points of interest:
Combat Pool: 16D6 (Force 6 Combat Sense quickened)
Willpower: 10
Initiative: 4D6
SpellList w/ Force:
Alter Temperature 3
Clairvoyance 3
Combat Sense 6
Fast 3
Heal 6
Improved Invis (Sustaining Focus) 5
Increased Reflexes3 6
Increased Willpower 6
Ignite 3
Levitate 3
Magic Fingers 3
Physical Mask 3
Mindlink 3
Nutrition 3
Oxygenate 3
Spirit Blast 5
Stabilize 3
Sterilize 3
StunBolt 5
Cyber Eyes
Datajack/Knowsoft Link
Math SPU
Head Mem
Sleep Regulator
Trauma Dampener
Force 5 Nagamaki (same stats as Katana)
Oct 8 2004, 03:19 PM
Wow, Buddha, nice! Hats off.
Oct 8 2004, 05:45 PM
Rhys Kincaid grew up in the No Man's Land that is claimed by both the Tir and the Cal Free State. The son of a Tir Citizen, he petitioned citizenship at age 20 and immediately joined the Army like his father. The army looked at his education in chemistry and engineering and decided to put him in EOD and Demolitions.
Because he had not grown up in Tir and was effectively outside social life and thus cut off from promotion, Rhys began the slow and steady climb through the Rites of Ascension. So far he has made the climb to the ranks of Chivalry and seems to be cut off from the higher circles due to his parentage. This seems to sit fine with the weapons expert who enjoys his life in the service of Tir.
He has shown himself to be a strong individual who cares about the people around him. When Rhys is not keeping up on his training he is found working in the lab with Sunshine, Rhys making explosives as the shaman brews up various poisons.
[ Spoiler ]
Demolitions (6)
-- Improvised Explosives (9)
Wilderness Survival (4)
Athletics (6)
Stealth (6)
Parachuting (4)
-- HALO Jump (6)
Launch Weapons (4)
-- Grenade Launchers (6)
Heavy Weapons (6)
Assault Rifles (6)
Pistols (6)
Unarmed Combat-SR3 (5)
Submachine Guns (6)
Car (1)
Chemistry (5)
Structural Engineering (6)
Mechanical Traps (5)
Navigation (4)
Ascension Rites (5)
Tir Tairngire Politics (5)
English (4)
English (2)
Sperethiel (5)
Sperethiel (2)
Oct 8 2004, 06:03 PM
Vathiel grew up just a step above the streets. She was a natural beauty, and her parents feared for what could become of her as she matured. They scrapped together the money to get her a datajack, hoping that matrix access would open new doors in her studies.
Unknown to her parents, Vathiel had already gotten involved in gang activity. She made the most of her beauty to dazzle past opposition as she ran the smuggling routes between the Tir and Seattle. When her parents gave her her datajack, it was the money from her illegal activities that went to finance her deck.
She was a talented decker, though she hadn't gotten into the data trade yet. She was more interested in the challenge of being where she shouldn't be. On a dare, she penetrated the Tir military's system. She didn't get far before she was dumped. When she woke up, she found herself in military custody. She was then given the option of joining the military or facing prosecution. Needless to say she joined up.
She already possessed the social and decking skills necessary to be a great asset. The military took what skills she already had, and honed them further. Cyber and bioware added to her thoughts, senses, and even further enhanced her attractiveness. She took to high society like a fish to water. Despite her humble origins, she was still a desired companion for her wit and charm. From her position, she could then record everything she saw and heard around her to be reported on later.
[ Spoiler ]
Name: Vathiel
Race: Elf
Archetype: Decker/Infiltrator
Bod: 4
Quik: 7
Str: 4
Cha: 7(11)
Int: 6
Will: 5
Essence: 2.00
Magic: 0
Reaction: 6
Init: 1
Combat Pool: 9
Hacking Pool: 7
Task Pool: 2
Allergy (Iron)
Compulsive (shopping)
Bonus Attribute (Cha)
Exceptional Attribute (Cha)
Good Looking and Knows It
Friendly Face
Active Skills:
Pistols 4
Stealth 4
Etiquette 4
Negotiation 4
Computer 6
Disguise 4
Computer B/R 4
Wilderness Survival 4
Athletics 4
Knowledge Skills:
Gang ID 2
Smuggler Havens 2
Psychology 4
Security Network Familiarity 4
Data Havens 2
Elven Society 2
Legendary Deckers 2
Matrix Security Procdures 4
Elven Wines 2
Fashion 2
Tir Tarnigire Politics 3
Area Knowledge (Tir Tarnigire) 2
Language Skills:
English 4
Sperethiel 4
Japanese 1
Datajack (A)
Encephalon 2
MultiSlot Chipjack 4 (A)
Cyber Replacement Ears
Ear Recorder (A)
Sound Filter 5
Ear Haring Amplifier
Spatial Recognizer
Cyber Replacement Eyes
Eyes, Camera (A)
Eyes, Image Link (A)
Eyes, Flare Comp (A)
Eyes, Low Light (A)
Eyes, Thermographic (A)
Eyes, Vis Mag Ele 3
Memory (100 Mps, A)
Synthetic Cyber Hand (A)
Personal Comm Unit 8
Optical Memory Chip (1000 mp)
Culture Tailored Pheremones 2
Mnemonic Enhancer 3
Sleep Regulator
Trauma Dampener
Browning Ultra-Power
5 10 Round Clips (Ex Explosive)
5 10 Round Clips (Gel Gamma Sclophamine)
Form Fitting Full body suit
Medium Security Armor
V-Island "Sleeping Tiger" Jacket, Slacks, and Shirt
Armante "Venetian" Dress
Ordinary Clothing
Computer Shop
Sleeping Bag
Survial Kit
Ration Bars, 10 days
Gold Credstick Rating 6
Basic Pocket Secretary
Pocket Computer (1000 Mp)
White Noise Generator 6
Bug Scanner 6
Battle Tac Receiver Component
LinguaSoft 4 Japanese
LinguaSoft 4 Chinese
LinguaSoft 4 Salish
LinguaSoft 4 German
LinguaSoft 4 French
LinguaSoft 4 Arabic
LinguaSoft 4 Spanish
LinguaSoft 4 Russian
KnowSoft 4 Megacorp Security
KnowSoft 4 Megacorp Procedures
KnowSoft 4 Megacorp Politics
KnowSoft 4 Security Procedures
KnowSoft 4 Fringe Cults
KnowSoft 4 Engieneering
KnowSoft 4 Politics
Transys Highlander
Satellite Interface Rating 6
Offline Storage 1000 Mp
Deception 9
Relocate 6
Scanner 4
Attack (Serious) 6
Black Hammer 4
Armor 4
Cloak 4
Medic 4
Sleaze 6
Track 4
Spoof 6
Encrypt 4
Decrypt 6
Analyze 6
Browse 6
Read/Write 6 [\spoiler]
Oct 8 2004, 06:35 PM
Demitri SerathilionHistoryDemitri Serathilion has lived quite the blessed life. Since he was a young boy he has always been the charmer, easily making friends and meeting girls. His father, a high ranking Tir official put Demitri into a top ranked military school after his thirteenth birthday. Unlike most boys his age, he actually liked it. The structure was exactly what he needed to decide what he wanted to do with his life. He wouldn't join politics like his father wanted, no, he wanted to serve the Tir is a different way, he joined the military.
His extremely sharp mind got him involved with the Intelligence sector immediately. He quickly mastered Military Theory and then moved on to join a new group being formed, a special unit called the Ghosts. It was at this point that Demitri was 'upgraded'. His dad pulled a few strings and made sure his son was setup with all the latest in Bioware and Cyberware upgrades. Some people were surprised when he asked for a new set of arms, but when they found out what he wanted to put into the arms, the surprised passed. They are stuffed with some of the latest in BattleTac components. To boot, he threw in some extra cash of his own to make them the most beautiful set of Cyberarms anyone has ever seen. They are inlayed with Titanium and have skillfully crafted runes etched into them, telling of the Serathilion Family's glory.
AppearanceDemitri is beautiful, even for an elf, and he makes use of his looks and family reputation. When not on duty, he is always wearing the latest fashions and attending social events. Some people frown at his arms, but they also are dazzled at their beauty. He has close cut silver hair and ice blue eyes (which most people know are cybered).
[ Spoiler ]
Body 4(8)
Quickness 10
Strength 4(4)
Charisma 6(12)
Intelligence 8
Willpower 6
Pistols (6)-- Predator III ERASe (10)
Shotguns (4)-- SPAS-22 (8)
Launch Weapons (4)-- Grenade Launchers (8)
Carromeleg (4)
- Evasion
- Whirling
Stealth (6)
Athletics (6)
Etiquette (4)-- Military (8)
Interrogation (2)-- Verbal (4)
Small Unit Tactics (4)-- BattleTac Systems (8)
Art (3)
History (2)-- Tir Tairngire (4)
Literature (2)-- Elven (4)
Military Theory (6)
Politics (4)
Elven Society (4)
Cuisine (3)
Elven Wines (3)
Sperethiel (6)
Sperethiel R/W (3)
English (4)
English R/W (2)
Relevant Edges and Flaws
Allergy Uncom & Mod - Silver
Friendly Face
Friends in High Places
Good Looking and Knows It
Good Reputation Lev II
Ares Predator III ERASe (one in a concealed holster, one in a cyberholster in left arm)
Franchi SPAS-22 with an underbarrel ArmTech MGL-6
Dermal Sheath [2](A)
Ears Cyber Repl(A)
+ Subdermal Speakers(A)
+ Ear Dampener(A)
+ Ear Hearing Amp(A)
+ Sound Filter [5](A)
+ Spatial Recognizer(A)
+ Ear Recorder(A)
Eyes, Cyber Replacement(A)
+ Eyes, Flare Comp(A)
+ Eyes, Image Link(A)
+ Eyes, Low-Light(A)
+ Eyes, Thermographic(A)
+ Eyes, Vis Mag Ele[3](A)
+ Eyes, Opticam(A)
Chipjack, Multi-slot 2(A)
Knowsoft Link(A)
Pair Obv. Cyb Arms(A) (Good Looking Option)
+ Armor: Ballistic [10]
+ Armor: Ballistic [10]
+ Direct Neural Interface(A)
+ Direct Neural Interface(A)
+ Cyber Holster(A)
+ Tactical Computer
+ 8 Generic Ports(A)
+ Optical Memory Chip (1000 mp)
+ Orientation System
+ GPS System
+ Personal Comm Unit 8
+ Smartlink II(B)
Enhanced Articulation
Muscle Toner 2
Synthacardium 2
Cerebral Booster 2
Mnemonic Enhanc. 3
Pain Editor
Sleep Regulator
Synaptic Accel. 2
Cult. Tailored Pherom. 2
Clean Metabolism
Scent Glands (Vanilla)
Basic Pocket Secretary
Bug Scanner Lv [10]
Jammer Lv [10]
Restraints, Plasteel
Glasscutter Rating [6]
Suction Cup
Autopicker Rating [6]
Ration Bars (10 Days)
Survival Kit
Canteen and Mess Kit
Ascent/Descent Kit
Grapple Gun
[3] Stealth Grapple Line (100m)
[3] Stealth Line Catalyst Stick
Face Mask and Snorkel
Armor Clothing 3/0
+ Chemical Seal Rating [3]
Armor Vest 2/1
+ Fire Resistance Rating [2]
Armor Vest with Plates 4/3
+ Chemical Seal Rating [4]
+ Fire Resistance Rating [3]
Armanté "Executive Suite" Tux 3/1
+ Chemical Seal Rating [3]
Form-fitting Full-Body Suit 4/1
+ Chemical Seal Rating [4]
Medium Security Armor 6/5
+ Thermal Dampening Rating [6]
+ Fire Resistance Rating [5]
Security Helmet +1/+2
Forearm Guards +0/+1
Cyber:Dermal Sheath +0/+1
Oct 8 2004, 08:58 PM
"Mark! Fire!"
Bam, tink! Bam, tink!
"Hold! Activate safeties!"
The lieutenant walked down the wall of targets, marking scores on a sheet on a clipboard.
"Eido! Stand forward!"
An average-heighted Elf stood up and walked forward.
"Are these yours?"
"Sir yes sir!"
"I see. Return to your box!"
The young girl trotted back to her box without a thought. She layed back down and kept her hands off the gun.Eido was born 23 April, 2043 in Portland, or Cara'sir as the Tir call it. She was born to elven parents of the Gentry class.
Growing up was tough, at best. There were constant threats from those of a higher caste than her, as well as from those more physically fit. For this, she became introverted and lonesome. Her free time from this, though, was well-used for her future career.
All throughout school, she was the outcast. Tormented because of her looks and her lack of friends, she quickly turned to sharpshooting at the local range to alleviate her frustrations.
Around the age of 15, she joined the Tir general army, as all young Elvish citizens must do. There she quickly grew into a longrifle savante, surprising even the best of her instructors. Even in the midst of training, though, there were the miscreants that mocked her. She was ugly, and she knew it. However, that didn't stop them. One day, she snapped. One boy lost the use of his arm permanently, and another went blind in one eye. Her superiors, instead of punishing her, promoted her early. Not only to keep it from happening again, but because of her progress with longrifles.
After two years in training and two more in the general army, her skills had increased several-fold, both in general longrifle knowledge but also in the skill of firing them. She was invited to join the Tir Ghosts at the age of 20, which she took up the opportunity quickly. Her records were erased and every facet of her existance expunged. She was forced to refrain herself from seeing any of her old friends and comrades. Since that moment, she has refused to befriend anyone outside of those she works with. Anyone else is just excess baggage to her now.
In order to become a more perfect markswoman, the Ghosts set her up with top-of-the-line cyberware, bioware, and gear. While she didn't expect to be attacked much at the distance from the battle she was at, armor was still needed as a backup, just as her skill in Carromeleg and Pistols. On top of all of this, the Ghosts trained her to be a better watcher. They trained her in the art of surveillance, making her keep an eye out for anything and everything. The only thing she cannot see are things meant for magical peoples. Outside of that, though, nothing could hide from her.
"Eido! Step forward!"
A slightly scarred Elven woman stepped forward, regailed in many medals of honor and victory.
"For service to the Princes, I award you with..."Name: Eidolon Tesetilaro, lit.
Phantom Son of the Dragon[ Spoiler ]
Body: 6
Quickness: 11 (12)
Strength: 4
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 8
Willpower: 6
Essence: 1.90
Body Index: 4.87
Initiative + Reaction: 2D6 + 12
Combat: 13
Task: 1
Karma: 3
Active Skills
Assault Rifles: 6 (8 )
Pistols: 3 (4)
Rifles: 6 (8 )
Carromeleg 5 (6)
Stealth: 5 (7)
Assault Rifles B/R: 6 (8 )
Pistols B/R: 2 (3)
Rifles B/R: 6 (8 )
Knowledge Skills
Elven Society: 6
Assault Rifles: 6
Rifles: 6
Stealth: 6
Tir Tairngire Politics: 6
Elven Wines: 5
Fashion: 5
Sperethiel: 6
-R/W: 3
English/Military Jargon: 5/7
-R/W: 2
Photographic Memory
Hung out to Dry
Ugly and Doesn't Care
Ares Predator III
-Personalized Grip
-Quick Draw Holster (Concealed)
-Personalized Grip
-Stock (Folding)
-Shock Pads
Barret Model 121
-Biometric Safety
-Laser Sight (Extended)
-Smartlink II, External
-Personalized Grip
-Shock Pads
Ares Predator III x3
Spare Clip x20
Regular Rounds x2,500
APDS Rounds x2,500
Barret Rounds x380
EX Explosive x2,000
Smartlink II Beta
BattleTac Cyberlink Alpha
Radio 8 Beta
Cyberears Beta
-Dampener Beta
-Hearing Amp Beta
-High Frequency Beta
-Low Frequency Beta
-Sound Filter 3 Beta
-Spatial Recognizer Beta
Cybereyes Beta
-Flare Comp Beta
-Image Link Beta
-Light Systems Beta
-Low-Light Beta
-Protective Covers, Mirrored Beta (silly rule for that, they take no Essence!)
-Rangefinder Beta
-Thermographic Beta
-Ultrasound (with High Frequency) Beta
-Vision Mag Electronic 3 Beta
Move-by-Wire 1 Alpha
Biomonitor Processor Beta
-Subdermal Display Delta
Biomonitor Beta
Muscle Toner 4
Cerebral Booster 2
Thermosense Organ
Sleep Regulator
Reflex Recorder (Assault Rifles)
Reflex Recorder (Rifles)
Reflex Recorder (Assault Rifles B/R)
Reflex Recorder (Rifles B/R)
Cultured Synthcardium 2
Cultured Enhanced Articulation
Gunsmith Facility
Gunsmith Kit (Pistol)
Gunsmith Kit (Assault Rifle)
Gunsmith Kit (Rifle)
Flashlight, large x2
Micro-Recorder 10
Laser Microphone 10
Shotgun Microphone 10
Bug Scanner 10
Jammer 10
Voice Mask 10
White Noise Generator 10
Ultrasound Emitter/Detector 5
Secure Jacket 5/3
-Fire Resistance 5
-Chemical Seal 3
Form Fitting Full-body
-Insulation 4
-Nonconductive 1
You're lucky I couldn't make my own guns.
Oct 8 2004, 09:05 PM
So how exactly does Hung Out to Dry work at this point?
Oct 8 2004, 09:11 PM
Tanka, just an FYI. I want this team to be like a small family, so Demitri (even though he is a hottie) treats Eido like a sister. If someone makes fun of her looks, he gets all over their asses.
Oct 8 2004, 09:16 PM
McQ: I have no contacts. Period.
Ecc: Fair enough. Though she might get self-righteous on your ass.
Oct 8 2004, 09:18 PM
Better than my flaws. I've both Bad and Cursed Karma. Not only do I start and get fewer karma pool, but I'm scared to use it when I need it most.
Oct 8 2004, 09:20 PM
Tanka--I know how the flaw works in general, but are you cut out of the supply chain for gear, passed over for promotion, that type of thing since we are military based rather than street?
Oct 8 2004, 09:21 PM
That's up to Shadow, but I personally wouldn't take it that way. I'm just impersonable, so they tend to view me as not good for higher positioning, thusly leaving me as-is. Most likely, most of my requests for equipment will go ignored unless it's needed for a mission.
Granted, that doesn't mean I can't ask Ecc for a hand.
Oct 8 2004, 11:15 PM
I'm going to be on vacation starting tonight and returning on Weds. Don't expect much posting from me until then, though I may get on once or twice, we'll see.
Oct 9 2004, 08:47 AM
Well, looks like we know about each other, but nobody's gotten to know each other. I think I recall reading somewhere that we'd worked together for awhile now (a year+)?
Anyhows, Sylph was brought up in the rank of Chivalry, but has raised to that of a Noble in the Rite of Progression. He was allowed to take University for 4 years prior to joining the service, so started out a little older than the others in his military class, but his education and class allowed him to move straight into Warrant Officer status after Basic Training. He's volunteered for every special-ops class available, and asked to join the Ghost Team 1.
I'm going to guess from the ranks that Sylph is the last one to join the Team though (no idea what the rank of the Field Medic is though). Sylph is still relatively new to the military, his first tenure being with the Ghosts. However, he's ALL soldier, as gung-ho as the most Hooyah! soldier around, though he doesn't voice it as often as the others might. He volunteers for anything that will either make him better, or use his skills.
Anyhows, I think our best bet is to decide who joined the team in what order. That way we can get to know each other based on what we see in those that we met?
If anyone decides they got into the group after me, here's what they saw.
Sylph sat quietly on a high perch in the barracks, legs crossed under him. He seemed asleep with his eyes open, but then someone else in the room grins at you and tells you he's reading comics on him Image Link. Apparently he subscribes to all comics and is a devoted reader. When you look back up though, he's gone, and not to be seen in the room. Later, during the briefing where you are introduced to the team, he shakes your hand, and you hear him in your mind, "Call me Sylph, Welcome to the team. I'll have your back for as long as you're on the team."
In the briefing to introduce Sylph to the team, those of you still on the team from that intro would have heard this:
"Ok soldiers, this is Noble Warrant Officer Sylph, he's your Magical Support officer. He's also a standing member of the Ghost Circle an outstanding award in itself. However he also has completed 8 of our special ops programs, meaning that he's well trained in nearly every aspect of survival and combat. Sir, you have anything to add?"
Sylph shakes his head no.
Oct 9 2004, 01:30 PM
Oct 9 2004, 09:31 PM
The team was formed about a year ago, as a new addition to the Ghosts. The four teams were all formed about the same time. So you guys came into duty together.
Suffice to say you have the relationship that all close nit teams have, your loyal, and friendly, you all hang out together when not on duty. When your not running missions your training, training is 10 hours a day, six days a week.
Oct 9 2004, 09:51 PM
As usual, please do not post IC until I give the all clear.
Oct 10 2004, 08:25 AM
Ok, you may all now post.
What you need to do:
You have about an hour to get into uniform (urban cammo fatigues, no patches, nor insignia, no dogtags) and get to the SpecOps briefing center. The center itself is a two story building that over looks the harbor. The briefing room is three floors under ground and requires retinal, voice, and palm scanning to enter.
The room is small (seats about twenty) and has stadium seating. The main wall is a large screen, in front of that is a table with refreshments.
Your CO is a Colonel named Taggert, you usually wait for him to show to give the briefing.
Edit: The order you arrive in is important, you arrive in the order you post. No posting last and saying you were there the whole time.
Oct 10 2004, 07:28 PM
Naturally, I had just enough time before work to post in second.
*shakes fist at Sphynx*
Oct 10 2004, 08:42 PM
No sigs in the IC please. You can remove them with an edit if you slip up.
Oct 10 2004, 10:12 PM
Gah! Seems editing a post automatically re-enables it unless you tell it otherwise.
Silly Invision...
Oct 11 2004, 07:26 AM
Finger has spent most of her time in the Military training as a gunsmith. having a secondary interest in electronics.
Finger joined the Military to see the world and meet new people and kill them. Was her motto. When she was selected for officers course she accepted and started a career in the Military. Grasping the concepts of small arm and electronics. Raiseing through the rank she was selected for recon work as small arms support and B&E.
Now that she has finished her course she is due for some tours to prove her skills. This is the real world now where the target get to fire back and the alarms bring real response
[ Spoiler ]
Body 6(9)
Quickness 7
Strength 6
Charisma 5
Intelligence 6
Willpower 5
Pistols [6]
Pistols B/R [4]
Submachine Guns [6]
Submachine Guns B/R [4]
Assault Rifles [6]
Assault Rifles B/R [4]
Edged Weapons [4]
Electronics [6]
Electronics B/R [6]
Wilderness Survival [4]
Athletics/Escape Artist [5/7]
Stealth/Alertness [4/6]
AC:Gunsmithing(KNO) [6]
AC:Security Systems(KNO) [5]
AC:Security Design(KNO) [4]
SF:Security Network Familiarity(KNO) [4]
AC:Security Devices(KNO) [4]
SW:Elven Society(KNO) [4]
Electronic Traps(KNO) [3]
Sperethiel(LAN) [3]
Sperethiel(LAN) (RW) [1]
English(LAN) [3]
English(LAN) (RW) [1]
Japanese(LAN) [3]
Japanese(LAN) (RW) [1]
Smartlink II(B)
Wired Reflexes [2](A)
Reflex Trig [2](A)
Dermal Plating [3](A)
Eyes, Cyber Replacement(B)
Ears Cyber Repl(B)
+ Eyes, Image Link(B)
+ Eyes, Disp Link(B)
+ Eyes, Flare Comp(B)
+ Eye, Rangefinder(B)
Oct 11 2004, 07:33 AM
FYI Fingers is Female
Fingers has the body of a well toned Male Elf. She has spent enough time in the gym pumping Iron. Her short blond hair is well kept and has very feminin facial features. She is arractive to those who like buldging biceps and athletic physic on a female.
Oct 11 2004, 09:44 AM
Linx, Born 30 years ago he always loved his vehicles, the roar of the engine... the smell rubber being burnt on tarmac! He went to school and had a typical upbringing, working hard yet always finding time to have fun, just like everybody else of his age! At the age of 19 he met his sweetheart, her name was Sarah and she was stunning... the way a perfect Elven female should be, she also wasnt like other women that looked as good as herself, she didnt act as though she was better then you.... she was just, down to earth! They were a happy couple, she supported Linx when he joined the Tire army and was always by his side. It wasnt totally perfect though, she wasnt happy about him putting his life on the line for his country when he had a family to think of!
Then it happened. Linx was out on manovers with his team, it was comming up to the annual war games and like everyone else they wanted to win the cup! Sarah was out with their five year old son watching a parade.... Terrorists detonated several bombs along the route of teh parade and they were killed almost instantly.
Linx was devistated, his whole world turned upside down. Over the following months, he threw himself into his work... spending all his time working on his drones and vehicles, it wasnt long before he had the most highly tuned vehicles anybody had seen before. ALthough this was a tragedy to Linx... his superiors were quite pleased, they had felt before that he was being held back by family ties, but now that wasnt an issue the improvment in his work had been far beound expectation!
After a couple of months he had been approached to work on a Ghost team, being given a budget to spend on new cyberware and vehicles. Naturally he said yes, and took the posting subject to approval by a trained psychologist. He told them what they wanted to hear and got the all clear....
A couple of years on only the people on his team know what drives this man to keep going, they know that he treats them like his family and would gladly put himself at risk to help anyone of them. The problem is they know they at times... he can be on the edge! This has been proven in pubs and clubs in the past where people have made fun at his not flirting with the women, and fights have turned a good night into a brawl!
Sorry about not posting until now... I didnt realise the threads had started!!
Oct 11 2004, 10:27 AM
I forgot to mention appearance Linx's appearance....
Average hight and weight for an elf of his age, but his short black spikey hair is starting to go grey these days which he is not happy about as it makes him feel old! although only being average hight and weight he is well toned from working on engines and things all day.... He has a tattoo on his right arm which has a picture of a Helicopter with guns blazing, the writing that goes around the picture reads "Live fast. Die Hard. And Never Surrender" His datajack is in a common place for riggers, and that is behind his right ear... but what makes it stand out is the silver plating around its edges. When not in uniform he tends to opt for a gothic look wearing his Leather long coat and jeans, Cuben heel boots and a T shirt with the name of on old Ninties rock band called "prodigy". Like most riggers and flyboys, you very rarely see him without his sunglasses on!
Oct 11 2004, 05:12 PM
@ Johnson, noted, sorry about that, I ajusted my post.
Oct 12 2004, 06:46 AM
Well I tried to come up with something to move forward without Ecce, but I failed. So hopefully he posts soon.
Oct 12 2004, 06:49 AM
@ Shadow thanks did need to unlesss you keep it as a reference.
Oct 13 2004, 08:44 PM
I'll post again in a little while, I wanted to give everyone a chance to get caught up and post if they chose to.
Oct 14 2004, 12:57 AM
Howdy y'all. Pleased t'meet ya.
Some of you know me and some of you don't, but that's pretty much going to even out during the course of this game.
Seriously though, Shadow is known to run a fairly-decent (
) game of Shadowrun, so this should prove to be no exception.
Oct 14 2004, 03:03 AM
Oooh, guest appearances. Neat.
Welcome, Fortune!
Oct 14 2004, 03:23 AM
I'll be leaving any further OOC explanation, or lack thereof, up to Shadow himself.
Oct 14 2004, 04:00 AM
Welcome aboard Fortune! I see you drew the position of civilian advisor for our little jaunt into the land of special forces, looks like it'll be fun.
Oct 14 2004, 04:08 AM
Hi there, and thanks.
QUOTE (McQuillan) |
...I see you drew the position of civilian advisor... |
How do you like her advice so far?
Oct 14 2004, 04:15 AM
As the Demolitions expert, I like anything that ends with a solid long as I'm an appropriate distance away of course.
Oct 14 2004, 06:38 AM
I thought I might spice things up with a suprise appearence
Consider Fortune one of the team
Oct 14 2004, 06:49 AM
Welcome aboard fortune.
Some questions that need to be taken into consideration. The New BDu's is IR positive and Low lite reflective as so as ironed goods. I think we would also need to Brief the Dr on our modus of operande as a team.
I have this funny Notion that security is going to be hi. Extra ammo may be nessary. If we are doing going in by air, may I suggest static line drop at low altitude, as we can do a vehicle drop with it have extra diposible equipment.
Any idea please, let put it down.
Shadow extra resources from TIr Mil what the posibility.
Check with the capt.
Oct 14 2004, 06:56 AM
If I didn't make it clear before let me make it now,
any mission specific gear (like chutes) will be provided by the state. Your 'resources' represented your 'standard' gear. Not everything you could possibly have.
Any gear requests can be made before the mission happens.
And Johnson, were you trying to be funny? Ironed BDU's that have been starched show up real well in IR.
Make the assumption that the LT (Fortune) knows this and is dressed appropriately for combat. She may not be spec ops but she has gone through military schools. So try not to be a butt.
Oct 14 2004, 07:35 AM
QUOTE (Johnson) |
Welcome aboard fortune. |
The New BDu's is IR positive and Low lite reflective as so as ironed goods. |
I know.
I'm sure she'll be able to pick up something more appropriate, given a little time.
Oct 14 2004, 07:41 AM
QUOTE (Shadow @ Oct 14 2004, 04:56 PM) |
And Johnson, were you trying to be funny? Ironed BDU's that have been starched show up real well in IR.
Make the assumption that the LT (Fortune) knows this and is dressed appropriately for combat. She may not be spec ops but she has gone through military schools. So try not to be a butt. |
It's cool. He got the exact impression that I was aiming to portray in the post...and actually responded exactly as I hoped he he (or someone) would.
Lt. Madigan has received military training with the Tir's Peace Force (as has pretty much any Tir citizen), and as such should be expected to hold her own in a minor fire-fight. She is not in any way trained in spec-ops, though. As you can see from my follow-up post, it honestly wouldn't have occured to her that the new BDUs would make a difference (even though I might know better).
Oct 14 2004, 08:14 AM
Your 'resources' represented your 'standard' gear |
I understand the fact that your issued gear what you use. This was a basic out cry as to say you want us to do this with what we got or are you mad.
And Johnson, were you trying to be funny? Ironed BDU's that have been starched show up real well in IR. |
I was just stating a fact that Ironed uniforms of what ever material is a night fighting risk. Not to undermine any one and if I have affended or undermined anyone. please accept my appologies.
I am here to have fun and add a bit of spice.
Oct 14 2004, 08:18 AM
Judging by the smiley in Shadow's post, and the contents of my post in response, I think it's safe to say nobody is offended.
Oct 14 2004, 04:06 PM
Just for giggles, everyone does actually have a decent parachuting skill right? Half the team isn't going to be deafulting to body I hope....
Oct 14 2004, 04:16 PM
what's parachuting?
Oct 14 2004, 04:23 PM
There is no need for that as it comes under athletics I think.... and HOPEFULLY everybody has that considering what we do for a living!
Oct 14 2004, 04:25 PM
Just for S*@ts and giggles.... anybody fancy a Halo jump?!
Oct 14 2004, 04:25 PM
QUOTE (Whizbang) |
what's parachuting? ![smile.gif]( |
What he said!
Oct 14 2004, 04:30 PM
QUOTE (Silverspur_2020) |
There is no need for that as it comes under athletics I think.... |
Actually, I believe it does have its own skill. What I'm hoping is that it does at least default to Athletics, because going all the way to Body could really suck.
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