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Full Version: Java SDK on MAC OSX?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Community Projects
I've been working on a pet Java project for SR lately (soon to be announced), and I just ran across an interesting bit of info: is it true that Macintosh OSX comes with a Java SDK installed by default? If so, can you tell me what version?

And on a somewhat related note, has anyone had experience installing the Java JRE on a Linux distro (preferably either Mandrake or Red Hat)? Is it any harder than a WinXP install?

Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
More than likely, the Mac OS can upgrade its Java version the same as any other OS. It wouldn't make any sense to do it otherwise.
This page indicates that it has a full SDK, not just a JRE, right out of the box. Given that it's straight from the horse's mouth (Apple), I'm inclined to believe it. However, I just wanted a real Mac user to confirm that it really is installed by default.
It is. smile.gif

1.4.2 is the current version available via Software Update for OS 10.3 users.
Cool! They just released 1.5 for Windows, but I'd rather not obligate anyone to install a new Java engine just to run my app. If possible, I'd like to make it functional for anyone using 1.3 or newer.

Now if you'll excuse me, I must return to my laboratory before it awakens... MUAHAHAHAHAH!!!!
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