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Full Version: Any 'runners in Ann Arbor, MI area?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
...maybe looking for a game with an emphasis on roleplaying (as opposed to roll-playing).

Any players/GMs out there?
Well, I'm in the Troy, MI area. Quite a ways from yourself, but if things go well on this end, I might be able to join.
Cool. Keep me posted and I'll do the same if I come across some others.
HMHVV Hunter
Well, I'm from Ann Arbor. However, i'm going to college up in Mt. Pleasant right now.
Well, I am in Sterling Heights. But unfortunately the current group is full, and I barely have enough time for it as it is. Maybe in the future though...
Well, keep me in mind if the group gets any opennings. I'd appreciate it.
I will!

Do you live in Ann Arbor/Ypsi then? I know it would be a long haul from out there to here, but not impossible. (I know some people on DS who drive 2 hours to gaming, one way).
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