Oct 18 2004, 01:31 PM
> Hoi all! Bitrunner's the name. I've been hearing a lot of talk on the local nets about some of the changes that have been taking place here in the sprawl. Word is that there is some new talent that has been hitting the streets, as well as some new challenges and opportunities out there. Isn't it funny how the law of supply and demand works in the shadows as well as in the corp world??
Anyways, to help out some friends of mine, I've decided to set up this node to allow all of you to share and discuss information that you've learned or to ask any questions about who's who and all that. And, since not all of you are accomplished enough to track down Shadowland, I'm gonna be nice and let you find out stuff here - just don't ask where Shadowland is, 'cause neither I or the other netheads on here will tell you - you've got to earn those stripes, brother!
Other than that, information exchange is what I'm all about, so go ahead and stir the pot!
> Bitrunner
Oct 18 2004, 01:40 PM
> I guess I'll start things off. For those that haven't been able to check out the latest anarchist postings, there have been some new developments out there. One of the most interesting out there that caught my eye is that there is a new corporation in town. Rose Croix (based on the French for Red Cross) has recently incorporated in Seattle and according to the paperwork, will provide emergency medical response services as well as medical research and development. Sounds like DocWagon may be seeing some competition in the future. My bet is that this will generate some "work" for our friends in the field. Rose Croix has an uphill battle ahead of it, but if they get lucky, I'm sure that a little healthy competition in the medical services community would be a good thing. I, for one, am sick of paying the high prices that DocWagon charges...
> Bitrunner
Oct 18 2004, 01:43 PM
> Another hot commodity out there is Griffin Biotechnology. This research and development firm has opened up a new state-of-the-art facility in the Everett district, and they aren't fooling around. My sources tell me that they have hired Knight Errant for their security needs. Anyone know anything about this? Anyone know what is going on in there or where this company got this big influx of capital from??
> Bitrunner
Oct 18 2004, 03:34 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Edit: changed my mind. Nothing to see here, move along, citizen.
Oct 18 2004, 03:42 PM
> I was able to pick up a datastream from Backgammon before he lost his signal - hope he's ok!
He mentioned that my translation was a little off...he's right, my high school French was a little rusty. But hey, the meaning gets across, and their logo does happen to be a regular red cross (like the UCAS Red Cross logo) with a rose across the top of it...
> Bitrunner
Oct 19 2004, 05:21 AM
> I heard from a chummer of mine that a guy he knows met someone that got good cred for swiss-cheesing a DocWagon suit. I hope this Red Croie survives long enough that we all get good cred out of their war. Which side pays my rent, I don't give a Rat's Pelt.
If you can, keep the n00bs out of the business. They always undercut us pros, and that lowers pay for everyone. What say we all start asking 50% more? Who they gonna turn to then?
And, if you see ourteam in the shadows, just wave. Even if we're taking money from the otherside, we'll just wave back. Whistle if you want us to shoot off a clip or two over your heads, just to make you look good.
> OurTeam
Oct 19 2004, 07:11 AM
>Hoi Chummers Slight here having a friend post this so as to stay on the downlow. Some newly made friends and myself did a some work a little bit ago that involved Griffin Biotechnology. That work was to get the layout of the place we did pretty good we may have raised some suspicions but we didn't really tip our hand. With the help of a couple of people I know real well we got some really good intell about the place some plans and a little on the security set up. So if your gonna do a run against them just leave me a message with my chummer here and if you check out (Just remember I have some pretty powerfull friends to do the checking) I'll fill you in.
So till later chummers be stealthy, conserve ammo, stay frosty!
Nov 9 2004, 12:30 PM
> Hey chummers. Me and my crew just got laid off by the Blind Man. He gave us a bonus for a job well done, but said he didn't need us for the last month of our contract. Seems we were able to finish the job early by using [up] the homeless woman in the wheelchair. If you know any jobs needing more C-12, let me know.
> OurTeam
> P.S. Did you know wheelchairs aren't much good as armor?
Nov 29 2004, 03:10 AM
This, this is Redge, I, um, used to work for Ares Arms but I was let go on a medical discharge. I don't have much time, they're gonna triangulate on this signal really really fast. Um, Ares didn't, um, just clean out Chicago. We think they're the good guys, but they brought back some bugs, they're making weapons out of them. The higher ups, they know about this, they's made pacts with the undead under the eye of Horus. He he he he... they think they can control them, but she knows dfnsa ks d SHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *bzeep*
[ Spoiler ]
Yup, idea stolen from Faaip De Oiad.
Dec 1 2004, 02:22 AM
> well, that was...disturbing...bugs as weapons - well, i guess some people drink just a little too much soycaf in the morning...
next thing you'll tell me is that Ares is hiring vampires so that they can work around the clock...
Dec 1 2004, 02:26 AM
>uh, Redge?? Backgammon?? who ever you are...i'm still showing a virtual connection to this node tied to your account, but my admin tools are returning a <NULL> on your location...what gives? you ok??
Apr 23 2005, 04:07 PM
<Sometime ago my team and I checked out that Griffen Biotech. I got an inside contact there now, I wanna keep an eye on them, after all they have a nice clinic there I might want to "borrow" some day. Its too bad they are conected to Doc Wagon, cause I hear they have been having some trouble lately <cough>. And does anyone know that chump Deguass? He runs with those Eliminator guys, if anyone sees him, tell him Cassanova said he still owes him 1500ny for that "extra" time he spent with one of my girls, if he dont pay soon my pimpin aint gonna be easy, gonna have to break him a bit, its just buisness.
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