I've been asked to be responsible for the Guest Of Honor/VIP for Denmark's most prestigious RPG-convention Fastaval.
My first task is to find out who I should invite. I would like it to be a gamedesigner, who has worked with both digital and non-digital games and RPGs as well as other games and who has written with various p&p-RPGs. Monte Cook is out of the questions; he's a nice chap, but he's just been to Denmark.
Previous guests include Mark Rein-Hagen, Steve Jackson and Mike Pondsmith.
Current suggestions are:
Grame Davis - very possible choice.
Bruce Baugh
Justin Achilli - developer and writer on the new WoD.
Ari Marmell
Jonathan Tweet - lotsa design-experience, but allmost exclusively for Wizards Of The Coast.
John Tynes - Delta Green alone justifies it (Publishing list)
Greg Costikyan -allways ready for an honest opinion.
Neil Gaiman - plain writer; a different prospect then the usual G'o'H's.
Clive Barker - same as Gaiman.
Do you have any suggestions?
