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Using the SR mechanic.

Ye gods, I really am bored...

Ol' Scratch
Okay, now finish the thought...
Well...take your character, have them don halloween costumes in the flavor of Star Wars, and parade them through mission after mission all the while being dilusional in group histeria, like convention fanatics, that they are Star Wars characters in a D20 system and have feats! grinbig.gif

We've seen this's called D6Dnial
Luke throw the fire ball....Throw the fire ball.....Yeah know the original game was D6. Check out West End Games, they put out the original game.
Yeah I's one of my many small angers that it switched to D20.
*shrug*I just happen to prefer D6.

Says Confused Shadowrun character who thinks he's Luke to the Fixer: "What do you mean you can't make me a lightsaber??!!"
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