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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Hey all,

Just found this link a bit ago:

To sign up for focus groups for Microsoft games....

I figure if we all sign up, and say we want to see something like shadowrun come out as a video game, we may just get our wish since they own the liscence.

But will they do it right? Will they do it justice?

I don't want a half-assed game for an RPG such as this. Especially considering the general idea behind Shadowrun. It would take a lot of good ideas and development to get it even close to right.
Ah, slave labour. Nothing like giving valuable feedback without getting rewarded. "Play our Beta! Really, it's a priviledge, you should consider yourself lucky we give scum like you the chance to let us make more money!"
Only alpha players get paid. The beta players reward is playing the game.
Ol' Scratch
Don't betatesters get a copy of the finished product as well? Sounds like payment to me. Especially with the ridiculous prices games go for anymore.
Unless Microsoft gives out free copies to all beta testers, no. Beta testers have to buy it just like everybody else. They just get free playtime beforehand in which they are also expected to send reports of any bugs/quirks they find.
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