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Full Version: A game starting in Santa Cruz
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
Cynic project
I and one or two people want to to play shadowrun. We do not have enough people as it is to form a game. There is already someone who will GM, but he likes house rules. Main points of change are magic and bioware.

The game will most likely take place in San Jose and not Seattle.

The fallowing plot lines are not in the world.One CFS has roughly the real world boarders.Two bugs never happened.Three there are no IEs, or ED cross overs.None.Zilch.

I can't really go into detail about his stance on magic, but it really does make hermics really awesome.

His stance on bioware is this. It is fancy cyberware,and there is no bio index.

For more details, please PM me, or reposnd in this thread.

I would also greatly like to join a game.
Well heck, my schedule may be busy, but I certainly wouldn't mind getting the chance to play, instead of GM, once in a while. If my schedule isn't too busy, of course (spent 5 days in a row now with gigs that ran early in the morning till late at night).

Cynic project
Well, I will do my best. Besides I flat out enjoyed meeting you in the first place,save the game being ful.. But if you still have my number gime a call, or PM when you can.
I might have to join far is it to SC from Sacramento. Right now I usually drive to Concord, but people flake or show a couple hours late and its a waste of my time.
Cynic project
Well, it is a long way away. Really a along way a way.

I can offer you a couch, but really it is all likely to be about 160 miles from your house to the game. I have seen people drive further,but SF is a better bet for you. Do not take this wrong I wouldn't say no to you..I just don't want yout ot think ti would be a dream trip.
Cynic project
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