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Take Cyberpunk, mix with Diablo, add graphics like in Planescape: Torment, and what do you have?

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Those crazy Germans... Hopefully they translate it and release a demo (or even the full game).

Feh, who am I kidding. I may as well learn German and get it over with. Then I don't have to wait for translations.
Looks good, it's things like this that make me regret choosing french instead of german as my 3rd language.
Well from what was said in another thread and seeing some gameplay footage, I'm a lot less enthusiastic indifferent.gif
Ol' Scratch
At least it's something you can steal the art from for character portraits, though. biggrin.gif
Hi, this is Jan Beuck, Creative Director of Master Creating. Just want to let you know thereīs also an English website ( and that the game will be translated to English! So you donīt need to learn German... In fact, itīs already translated, only voice-overs are missing. smile.gif
Hi, this is Jan Beuck, Creative Director of Master Creating. Just want to let you know thereīs also an English website ( and that the game will be translated to English! So you donīt need to learn German... In fact, itīs already translated, only voice-overs are missing. smile.gif

Hi Jan,

very nice of you to drop by our boards!

Will there be an english language demo?
Be nice. Technically Deutchlanders are the holders of the Shadowrun IP right now. Besides how's your German?
Actually, Microsoft owns all things Shadowrun-video game-related.

Plus, RA is not Shadowrun. Just Cyberpunk.

All Shadowrun is Cyberpunk, but not all Cyberpunk is Shadowrun.
Excellent. Nice to see the English language version. Thank you very much! I was kinda hoping there would be one, given the English title even on the German webpage... smile.gif

Is it going to be distributed in the US, or do we need to order from an overseas distributer?

<Patiently waiting... since he hasn't had a good Cyberpunk-esq game in ages....>
The game comes out April 18th, here is a page with more info and the demo. Give it a try, you might like it nuyen.gif
Anyone played it yet? I kind of liked the demo, but these Dioblo style point and lick RPGs aren't usually my kind of game.
Anyone know when it comes out? I thought it was supposed to come out last month.
I belive it comes out may 10th.
I've played it in the german version for some time now.
It's pretty nice if you liked Diablo for example, it is very similar. On the downside I've had lots of problems with game stability and the video sequences, even after upgrading to the latest patch (1.09) and reading the FAQ.

There are a couple of story missions (some of them individuall for certain characters) and as many generic missions as you want to play.
Anyone bought the US version yet?
No, but that is going to change within the month. It looks fantastic and the fact that it is open ended really lends to its credit.
Let me know how it works out Shadow. I'd consider it, but only if it could be reasonably used over a wireless connection with relatively sucky bandwidth.
Let me know how it works out Shadow. I'd consider it, but only if it could be reasonably used over a wireless connection with relatively sucky bandwidth.

Its a single player RPG from what I experienced when I played the demo. The full game might be different in that it might have MP, but I'm not sure.
They said there will be multiplayer for up to 4 people. Co-op I believe. So when is it due out now?
oh man! Co-Op MP!!! WOOHOO
Damnit, when is it coming out?
Finally found it in stores. It's pretty fun, but there are a few major bugs, and the random missions are rather repetitive.
This game is in CompUSA now for $40. I finally got around to playing the demo.

It's a lot like Diablo, but with guns, which for me is more satisfying. The artists and cinematographers did good work. The animation is so-so. I'm probably going to wait a few months for the price to drop to $30, then get it (oh, who am I kidding, I'm going to put it on my birthday list for October, or find it in the bargain bin. I'm sorry, swishtail, I'm a miser).

Gotta save up for SR4, you know.

An interesting note, it seems to do very well with slower computers. I ran this on my first computer and it was slow, but smooth. I thought it was meant to be that slow, it was so smooth. I tried it on the faster one and wow! The speed was almost doubled, which did make it more fun. But those of you with a slower machine (I think this one was like 1.2GHz, but windows has eaten itself into tatters, so it ran closer to 1GHz), it's not a bad buy.

I do recommend the demo. Just be warned, you can't actually save, so don't try!
QUOTE (nezumi)
I do recommend the demo. Just be warned, you can't actually save, so don't try!

Buh? Known bug with the demo or with the full retail?
I suspect it's an intentional bug with the demo. That would be a huge bug with the full version. I checked the reviews, and they don't mention it. Since the options, load game and network game options don't work from the main menu, I'm pretty sure they were intentionally disabled. It was still a pain in the butt when my wife had to use the computer though, since the game through a fit with alt-tab. It's a fun demo, but since you can't use your computer for anything else until you're done playing, it means you need a good chunk of time to properly enjoy it.
Id the game was better optimized I'd really go for it. It's so much like the Sega SR game in many of the good ways that it's a little scary. Reminds me of Anarchy Online as far as the character progression goes.

Has anyone bought it yet? Did they fix the Alt-Tab stuff?
(As a side note, I figured out the alt-tab. As soon as the program exits, it plays an ending video, then terminates. It recognized alt-tab as a form of trying to quit, so it jumped to the video. I suspect it won't be like that with the final product.)
Hrmm. well, I really like the demo. Very much how I see an SR game going down in fact. Would like to see more, and I might after the next payday.
I got the game now, its very interesting, however its annoying (but powerplayingly nice) that you have unlimited ammunition to whatever weapon you are using, no reloads etc. you pull and hold the trigger and off we go, 5 million shots in on SMG.

but it has the right factors, a nice game, especially if you like fallout wink.gif

Im off to to play cooperative MP with some friends, in fact the same guys I GM in SR also.. so we may get some "interesting" situations wink.gif
I picked this up recently as well.

Besides the infinite ammo thing, the character models bother me.
Specificly, the Japanese swordmaster. I also hated the voice acting for him as well.

Over all though, I like this game. I wonder how easy it is to mod...
Yeah, for a new game this doesn't seems to utilize current technology very well. Graphics are pretty, but they are tiled, if you zoom in it rapidly looses resolution.

And the models for the monsters seem a little repetitive as do the animations for their actions.

Over all though it feels like a fun little romp. Once I get my PC put back together, I plan on purchasing this little gem.
Well, it's purchased, delivered, installed. Maybe tonight I'll actually get to play (after patching).
Well, first night of game play was not so resounding.
The demo was a lot more stable.
The graphics, post patch are a little flakey, some of the refelctive stuff is messed up that was fine in the demo.
I can't alt-tab out of the game, which annoys me greatly.
My thrid mmouse button no longer works in the game, but worked just fine and dandy in the demo. Which means I am absolutly hamstrung if I want to use a character's special abilities.
And the instruction manual is missing some information, like how to assign a short-cut ket to a skill.
You can assign the F keys to change the function of the right mouse button. I thought that was in the manual, but maybe I figured it out on my own. Just click on the right mouse control thingy in the lower left, hover the mouse over the ability you want, and press the f key you want to assign to that ability. I think that's how it goes.
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