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Full Version: The Book Of Names
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
One of the greatest resources I found for both players and GMs was Kate Monk's Onomastikon (FYI, Onomastikon = Dictionary of Names), which used to reside at It was great- a near-complete list of names for pretty much every nation and culture on the planet present and past, sorted by root origin of the names. For the past month I haven't been able to get access to the site- it just times out. At first I thought it was the site blocker here in the office, but then I stopped being able to get on at home, and now one of my compatriots on a different grid can't find it either. Does anyone know if the Onomastikon has found a new home elsewhere, or if there is another similar resource out there? I will admit that at present my Google-Fu is weak.

Austere Emancipator
I just tried and followed the links to the Onomastikon, and it seems that some letters in the url were capitalized -- the site is still there, the address is slightly different. You can find it at:

I keep getting Error 403: Forbidden for all the articles under England-Firstnames. All the others seem to work fine.
Thanks. I need this, I keep naming every one bob or john...
Kanada Ten
I like this one, The Motherlode of Baby Names, due to the ultra contemporary spellings and names.
Whoa. Yeah, I can find it again now, from the same shortcut I was previously using. I guess it just had some downtime or something. At last, I can name NPCs again! biggrin.gif

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