Is there any chance you can add some basic formatting tags to help make it easier to post organized data? Some of the ones I would like to see are:
  • [BLOCKQUOTE] so that we can offset a block of text without putting it in a discolored or labeled window (which is useful for shadowtalk and the like). Preferably just a straight <BLOCKQUOTE> port without any forced formatting beyond the default margins and padding, or at most having the top and bottom margins stripped out with a quick bit of CSS.
  • [CENTER] that's just a simple, straightforward port of the <CENTER> tag.
  • [RIGHT] that's a simple <P ALIGN="right"> tag. Ditto for a [JUSTIFY] tag, and maybe even a [LEFT] one just in case in might come in handy some time.
Also, is there any chance you can change the "COURIER" font to "COURIER NEW, COURIER" and add "VERDANA" to the list as well? Why Courier New? Because it's easier on the eyes and will default to regular Courier for those who don't have it. Why Verdana? So that we can have some control when the forced formatting changes the font (such as in the quote boxes).

They don't necessarily all have to be added to the little interface thingy, sorta like the strike-through tag. But it would be nice if they were there for those of us who are a bit more anal retentive with our formatting than others. biggrin.gif
