ok, i've been trying to find a game through this board, on openrpg, and i'm gonna check rpol one more time, even though i'm not very fond of it anymore, and i more than likely have a lot of angry pm's waiting for me lol, but iw as wondering if anyone would mind running a newb friendly game here? possibly solo, or not, i dont really mind. I've played with a mud for a while now, and it's just not giving me the feel that i need for the game, not enough team-ness to it (not that a solo game really would either but it would atleast get me used to the rolls i need to make.) i do have the BBB, but right now thats the only book i have.
thanks in advance.
ps if this is the wrong place to ask for a game like this, feel free to nuke it.
Fu-Man Chu
Dec 1 2004, 09:39 PM
I ran a short adventure for a new player last year and was considering doing another one for him, but it wouldn't start for another few weeks though. . .
i think i remember seeing the thread from before, it seems like some of these forums dont get much use... but i dont really mind waiting a bit if i have too
Dec 1 2004, 10:08 PM
I'm kind of new too, though I have most of the relevant 3rd ed books for any kind of character I'd play... if I could get in on the runs too, I'd be quite happy.
well, theres 2 semi newbs, anyone willing to take up the mantle soon and teach us a bit have some fun etc?
Fu-Man Chu
Dec 2 2004, 07:25 PM
PM me your guys email address and I see if I can work something out. . .
Gem the Troll
Dec 2 2004, 09:01 PM
Can I play too? I don't have any of the books, and I've never used email for RPG, but I am willing to try anyway...I have played table top for about a year and a half so I am familiar with the general rules, and some of the more specific stuff. Let me know if I can get in on this.
Dec 3 2004, 12:00 AM
I might do a short game as soon as school finishes. I'd be a newbie GM, so to speak. I have had time to brush up on the rules quite a bit since the last game I tried to run, and I've ironed out the kinks in my method for writing a run.
Most GMs here are pretty cool about newbies, and they'll probably help you make your character, if you need help. If you don't know the rules, just ask, and if you need help with extensions of the rules, either through sourcebooks or interpretations, the Shadowrun forum is a good place to ask.
If you guys really need help making a character, as in, 'I'm lost', 'I don't know where to start', or 'Am I doing this right?', send me a private message, and I'll help you out when I have time.
I don't have Critters 2 or either of the SOTA books (F***IN amazon! Always buy from barnesandnoble.com instead of amazon.com).
I do have:
SR3 (aka BBB)
Magic in the Shadows (aka MiTS)
Man and Machine (aka M&M)
Cannon Companion (aka CC)
Shadowrun Companion, 3rd ed.
Rigger 3 (aka R3), not revised
I also have a few books on real magic because I used to study it when I was younger as a hobby. Mages happen to be my favorite character type, so I am most familiar with them. Riggers I have never played, though I have a feel for the rules. I've played a decker or a samurai a few times. Adepts are kind of like playing a combination of samurai and mage.
Oh, and I have SR2 as well. It's the previous edition, which is outdated, but it still has some useful information, such as the 20 questions, which I consider better than the ones in 3rd ed. Companion, and the page that lists the language skills.
Dec 3 2004, 01:41 AM
What's Critters 2????
Ol' Scratch
Dec 3 2004, 01:42 AM
It's this really cool sequel about these adorable little balls of fuzz from space that like to eat people. If memory serves, the subtitle was "The Main Course."
Dec 3 2004, 01:49 AM
Ahhh ... I thought that was Fritters 2!
Dec 3 2004, 02:42 AM
Oh, my GOD those movies sucked!
I thought Critters 2 was an updated version of Critters, the 6th world book of animals and awakened creatures.
Dec 3 2004, 02:55 AM
There is the
Critters book(let) that comes with the SR3 GM Screen, and there are the
Paranormal Animals of North America and
PAoEurope books from SR2. I've never heard of a
Critters 2 book as of yet, though I would be very interested in it should it come into existance.
Ol' Scratch
Dec 3 2004, 03:09 AM
Wot?! Critters rocked, you blasphemous swine! Long live bad movies!
As for the book? Like Fortune said, no, there isn't a Critters 2. Maybe you confused it with the soon-to-be-released Running Wild or something?
Dec 6 2004, 08:21 PM
Well, I PMed Fu-Man Chu my e-mail, but haven't heard back from him yet. So I'll put it here for anyone who would be interested in helping me join a game.
[ Spoiler ]
Fu-Man Chu
Dec 6 2004, 10:45 PM
Sorry - I did get the PM; but will continue to be busy until close to the new year. . .
as will i, because i'd REALLY like to do something closer to tabletop than the mud is doing. its fun, but again, i dont think it's giving me the experience i want from it. 9for instance, i'm still really not entirre sure how any of the rolls work, as it's all done behind the scense, but thats a discussion once we get something going to make sure i'm straight on it.
[ Spoiler ]
email: daherm@excite.com yahoo and aim SN: Daherm3610, the yahoo is the best way to get to me though
Jan 5 2005, 06:07 AM
Is this posting dead? I am new to this board but have been running for about 10 years now, off and on. I am really interested in running on this board, as my group of friends is dispersing to the four corners of the nation. I have played every type of character except a rigger, and most important of all, I AM NOT A RULE-WEENIE!!!! Don't those guys drive you nuts???? 'according to page 336, paragraph 3 of the rare sup Mafia in Denver, you can't have a capo for a contact even with friends in high places!' Okay, there is no sup Mafia in Denver, but you get my point. And if this board is full of people who memorize rules verbatum, back up to "except a rigger...", and just stop reading there. Seriously, I can make posts 5 times a week easily. If this post isn't dead, and there is a gm willing to take on a bunch of newbs (at least to the post board scene) please e-mail me.
[ Spoiler ]
well, i was just gonna bump this myself, as i was still wondering, and now that the holiday's are over, i wanted to see if anyone had any free time...
Unfortunately, the only game i've seen pop up recently seems too.... "big" for me at this point.
I guess what i'm looking for is more of individual runs/scenarios/training sessions of you will, to make sure i've got everything i need down.
Jan 6 2005, 12:06 AM
the best place to learn, if you're really interested, in my humble, but somewhat biased opinion, is the Living in the Shadows "campaign" it gives you a chance to work with a GM on whatever it is you want your character to be doing.
The only downside is you have to be willing to committ some time to it. But if you're willing to do that Living in the Shadows is a good place to get some, if not quite individual at least close, runs in.
Jan 6 2005, 06:12 AM
im interested. Got the the books and all, just need to get some exp. under my belt.
Jan 6 2005, 08:53 AM
I am currently recruiting for a run if anyone is interested.
The Heart of Africa
Jan 26 2005, 04:41 AM
Are you still looking for a newbie run? This will be my first forum run, so I cant be too critical of newbie runners.
Jan 27 2005, 02:39 PM
Ecclesiastes is running a newbie game called "Daddy's Girl", which is still recruiting. Look for the thread called 'OOC: Daddy's Girl'.
Jan 28 2005, 02:30 PM
Leo: Unfortunately, Ecc doesnt give me the sense that he "wants" the trouble of a decker/rigger, and i really want to be able to only tackle a few things at a time, plus im working on another game with the same thought line. on the other hand...
Batard, do you have an ooc post up yet for your game? I have somewhat of an idea for what i want to do (since based on our ic posts a decker might not be ALL that useful in your game) but i dont really want to hijack my own thread for yours heh...
Jan 28 2005, 06:56 PM
no i haven't set it up yet. I'm not going to do a recruitment thread...its going to be people who really want to play this game, then we will get together and build characters....it might be delayed a little because one of the guys just had a kid (well his wife did) so it will probably be a week or two before we get started on character creation. If you have any ideas or questions just ask me via pm. Send as many as you need. Once I know who is going to be in it, and who is interested I will set up my OOC and we will go from there.
BTW my IC posts are for an entirely different game, this will be a whole new one. You can send me your idea, I'm sure we will be able to use it. Remember you will have extra bp for skills and magic or whatever, because you don't have to spend any money on resources. The corp will pay for all your cyber, bio, weapons and gear. As for that money you will have a certain amount to spend as a team, so you all will have to work that out together. It will be enough to get you some hot drek, but it should start you guys on some team work, or at least thats my goal.
Jan 28 2005, 07:00 PM
QUOTE (Aku) |
Leo: Unfortunately, Ecc doesnt give me the sense that he "wants" the trouble of a decker/rigger, and i really want to be able to only tackle a few things at a time, plus im working on another game with the same thought line. on the other hand... |
If you want to throw one in, feel free. Every team needs someone to drive them around. I just didn't want to spend a lot of time on the decker side of things, but I'm sure I can let you have some fun along the way.
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