Lance Hawvermale
Dec 2 2004, 07:36 AM
I just have to share my good fortune.
I own every Shadowrun book published . . . with two exceptions. See, I haven't been keeping up with the state-of-the-art curve these days, so until a few days ago I had yet to get my hands on Shadows of Europe and Dragons of the Sixth World.
Then I paid a visit to my recently relocated game store. They moved, it turns out, due to a fire. And lo: a true fire sale was taking place. I managed to get a supposedly smoke damaged but actually darn near perfect copy of both books for a whopping $5.00 each. That's a savings of about 45 bucks!
I'm no fan of fire, but it seems a little smoke every now and then is good for the wallet, if not for the lungs.
All the best to everyone,
Dec 2 2004, 02:19 PM
*takes note to start fire in his gaming store*
Dec 2 2004, 02:41 PM
Dec 2 2004, 08:06 PM
Well I didn't have or start a fire but I got some good deals after the hurricanes lol.
Fresno Bob
Dec 2 2004, 09:10 PM
Stupid lack of natural disasters in Fresno...
Dec 2 2004, 09:12 PM
*laughs at Voorhees for living in Fresno*
Fresno Bob
Dec 2 2004, 10:02 PM
Lance Hawvermale
Dec 3 2004, 06:22 AM
Really it's not necessary to stumble upon a natural (or unnatural) disaster to find a good deal. Sometimes these gaming stores just decide to get rid of stuff. For example, I happened into one in Ohio the day they were selling old Dungeon magazines for .25 cents a piece. I got issues 2 through 22. A steal. I found Target: UCAS for 3.00.
Unfortunately, I've also seen copies of one of my own modules, What Evil Lurks , in a bargin bin for two bucks apiece. Sigh . . .
Fresno Bob
Dec 3 2004, 06:34 AM
My FLGS has a stack of Rolemaster crap for like, muy cheapo. Of course, its Rolemaster, so, you one wants it.
Crusher Bob
Dec 19 2004, 11:59 AM
When I lived in Atlanta, I got a bunch of Vampire books that WW had donated to the local public library for around 1-3 bucks a copy.
Dec 20 2004, 04:45 PM
So... you robbed the public of the books for your own selfish needs?
Dec 21 2004, 08:04 AM
Sometimes a 'fire sale' benefits, and other times it doesn't. When my comic store/hobby shop got torched (the building's owners tried to get the insurance money, but got caught), not much was left. The shop manager lost a series of rare models that can't be replaced. He lost thousands of dollars in stock he supplied himself.
Fortunately, he moved just down the road from his old location to a better place (and practically next door to the local Fire Dept.!) and is still doing great business. I think I've been going to his store for almost 20 years. He always gets me my orders at cost. Ya gotta love a store owner in the business for the love of it.
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