Sep 5 2003, 10:59 AM
'Lo all,
Okay, I'm an Australian (See the "sourcebook" forum for my ramble) and I'm looking for resources, runs and well-thought out information regarding Australia in the Awakened age.
Since I'd rather like to avoid the awful cliches that are assigned to most Aussies (No Hans, I'm an Aussie, not an _Auzzie_ ...No! Hans! No!!!) and the misconceptions that cliches will bestow, I think that having a few of the natives run a "cultural accuracy" test might do wonders for readability.
The most so far has had something unpleasant land on Longreach (Couldn't happen to a nicer town.) and a mention in the "Fields of Fire" as a source of Merc-Work riding herd on convoys. There is a lot more thaa that and I'd like to see it exploited.
A few thoughts though - Oz has a lot of weird things hopping, slithering, crawling, swimming and preambulating their way across this wide brown land of ours...
So what in hell is going to try and eat your face post-Awakening? Bunyips, Yowies and Thylacines, oh my!? Coral reefs, nice beaches, interesting animals, mineral deposits that make most mega-corps drool...
But the nation is the most civilised in earth. No, not "cultured", civilised.
It means that we've got the most disproportionate mix of city:rural population, something upwards of 85%.
Therefore, most of the populace lives within 100 km of a civic centre. The rest are scattered over the hottest and flattest continent in the world, trying to make a living and supprting the population centres along the coasts.
So when VITAS hit, I'd surmise that there was more than a little instability which might have caused some drastic changes to the "Sun-bronzed Lifesaver" cliche.
This is not the place really for it, but if you're wanting to kick around a few ideas, please direct me where a forum should be, or mail me: distalmind@hotmail.com
Sep 5 2003, 11:23 AM
While I by no means want to discourage or put you off the idea, I'm just wondering if you are acquainted with
Target: Awakened Lands which has a rather large segment (okay, let's be honest, it accounts for 85% of the book) on Australia written by Australians?
Sep 5 2003, 12:18 PM
Sorry Synner, no, I'd never heard of it, and neither had the only RPG store I've been able to visit for about a year.
And thank you very much on the clickable link - saves a little time.
I visited the "This is a complete listing of every English language Shadowrun book published, past and present, by both FASA and Fantasy Productions LLC...." site, but nothing there. Is it a 3rd-party publication?
Thanks, again.
...Would like to play with the tech a little though, and the geo-socio-political arena too.
Sep 5 2003, 12:39 PM
This is the general product
list on the (updated) SR site. You'll find it there under Sourcebooks. The link I provided contains another link to the official book intro and developer's which highlights the main sections of the book.
Johnny the Bull
Sep 8 2003, 12:26 PM
QUOTE (Synner) |
This is the general product list on the (updated) SR site. You'll find it there under Sourcebooks. The link I provided contains another link to the official book intro and developer's which highlights the main sections of the book. |
Aye, there used to be a fan made Australian sourcebook written mainly by Jestyr, but she pulled it when FASA anounced they'd be covering Australia in a sourcebook, which became Target: Awakened Lands. It's a pretty decent book (though I liked the .net book better) and covers it to most peoples satisfaction.
As for runs, I'll have more than a few ready within the next 8-10 weeks.
Sep 8 2003, 01:38 PM
QUOTE (Johnny the Bull @ Sep 8 2003, 12:26 PM) |
Aye, there used to be a fan made Australian sourcebook written mainly by Jestyr, but she pulled it when FASA anounced they'd be covering Australia in a sourcebook, which became Target: Awakened Lands.
It helps to explain things if you note that Lady Jestyr was one of the authors of T:AL...
Sep 9 2003, 08:58 AM
'Lo Again,
Well, after recieving about 20 messages, I think I know what book I need.
And it's always good to see how a home-brew run can become cannon material!
Three cheers for the fans and how they swing it.
...BTw, what's the Sig on a Bunyip? (Always wanted to say that.)
Sep 10 2003, 05:10 AM
2, with a plus one billion modifier because by the time you're in sensor range you're already dead
(Yes, this applies to spysats, too. Gotta hate those bunyips)
Oct 1 2003, 01:51 PM
Blimey, them Bunyips gpt spysats too? Strewth, they're crafty bleeders mate!
Wotcha there Tiralee, yup Target: Awakened Lands is the most up to date and complete guide to the land Down Under. Not bad at all, although there are gaps in it that some home-grown ideas could easily fill. But then again, ain't that the truth with all SB's released - just ain't enough wordcount to do justice to the Sixth World and our creative instincts.
Ho-hum, anyhow, check out the boards for the other aussie DSFers 'cos there are plenty loitering about. Many of whom have had a part in the aforementioned SB too. Heck, I was halfway to getting some decent ideas scripted during my year's walkabout and when I finally got back to civilisation (IE: a population centre with a games store) I found T: AL staring at me from the bookshelf. Nevermind, my travels gave me plenty of stuff they couldn't fit into that book and more importantly - experience of what Oz is like firsthand. No manastorms though.
As for scenarios, well let me torment some Germans with them first...
Oct 4 2003, 01:34 AM
If you want help with one, I'd be happy to. Just give me a shout via PM or e-mail.
Oct 6 2003, 12:38 PM
No worries mate - torment as many Germans as you feel like handling. I was going to have fun with TW, but seeing as he's off to Canada soon I'll have to recruit Neurotechnic's help instead. However, should he Stormy or those other Germans of my acquaintence make it Down Under all help in tormenting them would be appreciated.
Ah - unless you're referring to helping out with those scenarios. I've actually already done them, And I just want to test them out on live targets who don't know where I live [grinbig]. However, if I get a good reaction there might be several sequels forthcoming - so I'll keep your offer of aid in mind. Ta muchly & I'll scan you later.
Oct 7 2003, 03:51 AM
No wucking forries, mate.
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