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Full Version: Necromunda or Mordheim?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
I wondering on buying a box set of one or the other? I just want some opinions. Be a gang and kill stuff in the future or in a fantasy setting.
I played Necromunda many moons ago when it had just come out. It was ok. My best times were pitting gangs against genestealers. Oh the carnage.
I like the Mordheim models better...
Genestealers?!? Did yall do like a campaign or something and genestealers where there to control the power of the gangs? And are those rules in the man rulebook? Are those like Old skool geners, you know the ones that ignore armor?
I think there were genstealer rules in the main rulebook, like "critter" you could add to games for fun. Me and my brother had a bunch of plastics ones lying around, so we decided to pit our 2 gangs against genestealers we placed around. We'd just move the genestealers in a straight line (well, 3D straight line since you have to climb and stuff) towards the closest ganger, who would desperatly try to shoot it down and run. It was a lot of fun, although not exactly a standard game.

Gangers usually got totally butchered. Felt like a horror movie or something.
DON'T BUY EITHER BOX SET! You can get the basic rules for Mordheim in pdf. free from the publisher (so don't tell me it's stealing). Heres Mordheim right here. For necromunda they've since released a new version in paperback for 50 bucks that can be had for half price on ebay. Personally I like Mordheim better the rules make more sense to me then do the Necromunda rules. Also theres more alternate and thus cheap models available for Mordheim then you'd find for Necromunda.
The Necromunda figs were great for Shadowrun use - especially the Van Sar (Saar?) gang.

But yep - improvising the gang rules to fit for squad level combat against genestealers - fun stuff.

Mordheim has much better rules. I play it quite a bit... a good game, generally.

You do want the box set though. Sure the rules are online, but having the book helps a lot, and more to the point the buildings and models that you get with the set are very useful.

I like Necromunda better, especially since it's setting basically is the biggest sprawl you can imagine. The revised rulebook is supposed to go online for free download in the future as well. The only problem seems to be that it's on the lower end of the systems supported by Fanatic, mordheim seems to be more popular, seeing from the number of new releases (both miniatures and supplements). But for both systems, definitely check ebay.
Crusher Bob
I'll weigh in for Mordheim, mostly because the rules are a bit better developed (less completely random stuff, better skill breakdown, etc). If you are planning to play Necromunda, getting the Mordheim rulebook and adapting the better rules to Necromunda will probably improve the game (weren't they going to produce another edition of Nercomunda?)
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