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Full Version: Sockbaby :: Almost a hint of SR action...
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Ok...this isn't really "game" related, I know...and the thread may not last long, but if I only introduce this joy to a couple of folks before the thread possibly disappears in my attempt to spread happiness then I'm excited!
Here you go. Go watch this and be happy to watch some inspiring action that almost translates to some SR combat stuff.

To quote the advertisement on their site:
Watch it the first time, and you'll love the fight sequence.
Watch is a second time, and you'll become intrigued.
The third time, Sockbaby may become your new favorite download.

To give some hint of credit here: Sockbaby is created, written, and directed by the creative mind responsible for Earthworm Jim, Douglas TinNapel.
(Earthworm Jim is a game. That counts right? right?)

There is also now a DVD available.
You can find out how to order it on their Forum here.

My personal review of this movie is this:
If you imagine throwing Johnny Bravo, Ace Ventura, Raoul Duke (Johnny Depp in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas), and Ash (from Evil Dead/Army of Darkness) into one character as the hero who is pitted against villains that are comparable to a mixture of Dick Tracey Villains, and Matrix "agent smith's", who are lead by a "devil" that resembles a gay-darklord-martial-arts-vampire, in a battle over a baby savior of an entire people who happen to be talking hand socks, and you are laughing...then this movie is for you.
so..does anybody find this interesting at all?
There are relatively few people here on the weekend. Give it a few days.
ah...forgot about time jump...korea kind of screws it up.
Looks interesting. I'll download it when I get home.
Dear god man.... some people have just far to much time. All in all its not a bad production but good lord could u pick a shittier plot base? Jesus the sock that talks? Fighting isnt cooriographed bad niether is makeup and for a "home" film they didnt do bad at all for special effects and camera.... but again the sock / dude with the football sholder pads comes to mind....
Sandoval Smith
Ah, Sockbaby, a friend sent me to see him a little while ago. Best URL I ever clicked. Random cyborgs, plasma pills, two ton JubJubs. It's got so much weird style and WTF execution that it's almost impossible not to like.

I wish that the Sockbaby poster in the gallery actually existed, I'd paper my walls with it. The artist actually managed to give a sock puppet a dramatic pose. eek.gif Is that isn't cool, then what is?
Gremish, I might be nice and tell you that the guy who made it isn't poor.
He did it for fun, while goofing around.

His name is Doug TenNapel and he makes good money off of his creations like Earthworm Jim (probably the most famous).
His stories are continually goofy like this.
Nothing in them is practical in the plot line.
Sockpeople and things of this nature are a normality in his universe.

Earthworm Jim is a worm in a bio-suit that let's him have a human-body-shell to "drive".

So...yeah...that's why things look good.
Oh...and because JOHN SOARSE KICKS ASS!
He's the guy who plays Ronnie Cordova and he did all the choreographing, training, and editing of the fight stuff....and he's really no one big at all....yet.

QUOTE (Sandoval)
two ton JubJubs

Hellu, it's "two ton chum-chum." wink.gif
Oh, and were you looking for this poster?
Promotional Poster

If so, it's on the bottom-right-hand side of the main page.
And the "artist (that) actually managed to give a sock puppet a dramatic pose" is the creator, Doug TenNapel. That's what he does. Draws/writes comics and directs some movies.
Nah i wasnt trying to bash it that hard just thought it could have been done a little better is all =) If this is his style then by all means more power to him. Plus i liike Earthworm Jim =D

If i wasnt at least slightly interested in this i wouldnt of watched all 3 clips =P Which i did so its all good
Ok... that was... weird and creepy. The fight scenes were pretty well made, though. Still, that was just.. weird.
And find yourself strangely drawn back to it... wink.gif
I did watch all of them...
HAHA! Sicko!

I can't wait to get the DVD!
Then I won't have to watch it in ugly pixelated form!
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