Jan 3 2005, 03:57 PM
Live action role playing.... few have heard of such a thing. "is that like when you roll you stand up and say I THE ALL POWERFULL ARCHMAGE CAST A LIGHTNING BOLT DOWN UPON THEE!" no, live action means intead of rolling dice you get to be the charatcer for a weekend. If anytones been to a renesaince(murdered word alert) festival they have either seen or have dressed up in old enligh clothing worn swords and seen fighting. Live action role playing is much like acting out a movie where you the actor/actress make the script as you go along liveing the LIFE of your character. Ive been doing this for 7 years (im 20 so WOW) ive been running the game now for 3 years and my friend Adam has been playing LARP for over 12 years and been running it for about 9. If this sounds interesting to you plz check out for more information. or email me at
We rent a campground in port Huron where the weekend long events are held. There is heated cabins, fridge, stove ect there so never fear your not going into the wilderness =P Everything you will need will be provided for you the first time you come all we sugest u bring is a sleeping bag pillow sweat pants and shirt and extra close depeding on weather conditions.
The website is currently changing hpsts so its in construction mode atm i hope to have it fully done by Friday
*NOTE* This is the same post as in the GM/Players Registery i just copied it because that forum gets like NO traffic =P
Jan 3 2005, 04:11 PM
Too bad Michigan is a bit out of the way for me...sounds like fun.
Jan 3 2005, 05:00 PM
You might want to check out
NERO, which AFAIK are not limited geographically.
Jan 4 2005, 01:36 PM
Yep i told whiz about Nero we have that here to and ive played for a few years. been playing and running Archon longer and i personaly like the system better =)
Jan 7 2005, 04:56 PM
*sighs abashedly* yay... Nero... Im not addicted, I can stop when ever I want... just let me get to my first PC event in April... IM NOT AN ADDICT!
Jan 10 2005, 09:27 PM
Ldint =) Nero is a awsome way to start LARPing i just hate the rules and they come out with dummber ones like monthly.... chaos goes through EVERYTHING ok well a PC basher with like a 4 collum can whipe a town cause they use chaos and everyeons only got 12 body (me and im lvl 22) also if the Mashals see u casting it you INSTANTLY die, so basicly this promotes cheating.... ect etc etc the lst goes on but hey its fun to fight ... thats one of my great passions i love sword fighting =D
Archon website updated HARDCORE! new pics galore!
Jan 10 2005, 11:09 PM
Nero - ugh.
I didnt know you were into Larping Grem, until I read this post.
Ive been doing Nero for 7 years, and have run plot at the local chapter ( Nero Empire in Colorado) for a year and a half now. Didn't know there were many runners out there into that.
There are some parts of the rules I dont agree with, but hey, that's why we're playtesting new rules out here in Colo. I like to think out here, things are a little different than in the eastern parts of the country. In fact.....Ive seen several very successful chaos casters, and personally play a celestial templar ( fighter mage) and have no problems sending those necro chumps crying to mama.
The Feb Event out here is a cracked out crazy event designed to break the system. If you're in the area, come on out or drop me a PM and we can set you up.
(A.k.a. Mike - Nero Empire Plot Guy (Killgriv))
Check the contacts at for Killgriv. That's my smirking face on top. (Then again, who wants to look at me anyway?)
Jan 18 2005, 08:34 PM
Quick question. You talking Alliance, or international?
Yes, Necro is badass. Thats exactly why its officially a crime to cast (meaning you can do it, just dont get found out). However, as im playing an earth templar in... (gets out the calander) 4.5 months or so, and I have been NPCing too long, Im thinking its gonna happen by complete mistake...
Jan 19 2005, 07:04 AM
All nero activity out here in Colo has been International.
There was an alliance chapter for a ittle bit, but it folded up shop after a year or so.
So, that puts me pretty staunchly in the international category, though I hear alliance has a lot of cool things too.
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