Jan 6 2005, 11:54 AM
I know this has been brought up before (even by myself), but I am still waiting for a response. I've sent emails, but it's possible that they got lost in the ether.
I am not a Commando, but I do want to run Shadowrun Missions scenarios. Whether I do so at conventions is still up in the air, but I have a desire to run a Missions-only campaign for my regular (or semi-regular) group. I don't believe I am alone in this desire.
My problem is that I only have access to the four scenarios available for download on I know there are quite a few other scenarios available, and would like to acquire as many as possible. What hoops do I have to jump through to get these other official Shadowrun Missions scenarios?
Jan 6 2005, 01:43 PM
sorry Fortune - haven't seen any emails...i believe you sent me a PM, but it was when they were having all the SMTP issues and stuff, and i don't think my response got to you...
The answers you're looking for are:
No problem - anyone can run a Missions event, including a GM for a home game. Keep in mind, however, that if your players want to play in other Missions events, you have to abide by the Missions campaign rules for those characters - the characters cannot play (well, can't earn karma, money, etc) in home adventures or other campaigns. If you just want to use the adventures for your home campaign, and the players aren't otherwise involved in the campaign, then you can use and abuse them as you wish...
as for other adventures - we are working on that right now...the ones on the website for download will just be the demo adventures. all other adventures will require "requesting" them through me...i'm waiting to hear from Adam if he can do a form to automate this process somewhat, but for now, go to the thread in this forum about "How to Request/Play SRM Events" and follow the simple instructions there...i'll pop you the events soon after that - keep in mind that we are making some tweaks to the adventures after Gencon SoCal and some suggestions we received there, so i hope to have those out soon...there are only 3 story arc adventures published so far, so you're not far behind...
btw, #4 will be released and debuted at Megacon in Orlando FL Feb 24-27...
Jan 6 2005, 02:07 PM
Thanks bitrunner. I thought there was already a thread about this, but must have missed it.
I did mean that I intend to run a 'Missions-only' campaign, so that the players have a chance to have official characters, even if they don't get to play in any convention games.
[edit] Ah, that thread. I saw that, but figured that was only applicable for those GMs running games at actual events. Sorry for any confusion. [/edit]
Jan 6 2005, 05:30 PM
nope, it's for everyone...
just put "Home Game" for the event, and let me know where you are, so i can put a little pin in my map...
Jan 6 2005, 05:45 PM
I already sent you off an email, so I'll just add here that I'm in Sydney, Australia.
Jan 6 2005, 07:39 PM
i know it's a big country, but you may have met them at conventions...
do you know Chris Maxfield or Mark Somers?? Both are SR Commandos, and incidently the authors of Mission Briefing....
Jan 6 2005, 09:21 PM
I've never (to my knowledge) met either. It's funny though. I have been signed up as a player on the Commando site since almost day one, but I've never received any notification of events or anything else from either one of them.
[edit] Upon perusing the Commando site once more, I find that I had already added both of those people to my 'Notification List' ages ago. One lives in Canberra (which is not really that close to Sydney), and the other is from Kambah (which is close to Canberra, but also not in reasonable distance of Sydney). In fact, neither of them are actually located in the same State as Sydney (although the Commando site seems to think they are for some reason). That might be why I haven't ever heard anything from them. [/edit]
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