Jan 20 2005, 08:18 PM
Ran across a massive pile of my old DOS games, which back in the day where fun as hell via modem. However, seeing as no computer after like 2001 has a modem, and they are slow, and take up the phone line, Im trying to dig up a program that fools your computer somehow into thinking it has a modem, allowing you to use a normal TCP, or NB style connection.
Or, cause Im old, and sick, and slow. I wanna play Red Alert (Warcraft, Jagged Alliance, X-Com, ect) online, and not have the BS of hardware I dont even have. Well... I mean I still have that old 28.8k US Robotics....
Feb 14 2005, 10:53 PM
Er, most new computers I've seen have modems…
That being said, the easiest solution is probably to check and see if the fanatical following has reverse-engineered and updated the engine. This has happened to Descent and its sequels, Myth and its sequels, the Doom games, Quake and Quake II, and a goodly number of others.
Feb 16 2005, 05:33 AM
There is a way to set up whats known as a "Virtual Private Network" over any sort of internet connection. I believe the way it works is to make the computer in question make it think that its part of your company's standard network even if you haven't hooked directly into it.
Feb 18 2005, 05:04 PM
Its more a matter of not wanting to use a modem. Im trying to find a program that acts like a modem, and regersters as a modem, but will use IP insted of a phone number. Kinda strange, I know.
Feb 19 2005, 02:47 AM
QUOTE (Lindt) |
Its more a matter of not wanting to use a modem. Im trying to find a program that acts like a modem, and regersters as a modem, but will use IP insted of a phone number. Kinda strange, I know. |
Good luck. Modem emulation is tough to do.
I'd do what Kagetenshi suggested. Look around, ask some groups in the know. You might find a version that's been reverse engineered (though illegal) to use an IP address instead of a phone number.
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