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Full Version: Vancouver, BC Roll Call
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry

I've been away for a couple of years, but thought I would come back and check in and say howdy. My old userID here was "Augustus" but for some reason I couldn't log in and it wouldn't send me my email address, so here I am as "Auggie" now wobble.gif

So I can see the board has changed its look a fair bit since the "olden days" and doesn't look too bad... looks like alot of the same old faces as far as the regular posters go to the other discussions...

But, thought I would put this up (since the last one was really done about a year ago) to see who is out there from the Lower Mainland/Greater Vancouver/Fraser Valley area

Hard to say... when I was GMing (1989 to 1998) there seemed to be Shadowrun players pretty much everywhere back then... but in looking around the game doesn't seem as prevalent as it used to be


Hi. I'm a longtime SR player/GM and live in Vancouver. I have to agree with you about there not being many SR players in this area, or if there are, they are all keeping a low profile.
Digital Heroin
You know, since I'm getting a car soon, it's almost worth it to take the ferry across for a game every now and then, if the games are there and willing to take a slightly odd navy type.
I live in Maple Ridge, so I try not to go into Vancouver propper very often. If you are near skytrain, you could try Chaos Books & Games in New Westminster on a Saturday.
Digital Heroin
Being that I live in Victoria, and despite being born in Vancouver haven't set foot outside of the airport there for over two decades, I've no idea where you speak of.
North of the river from Langley. 20 min. east of Copuitlam (Barring Traffic).

I understand what our city planners in the 60's were thinking when they decided to limit the number of freeways and highways. I just wish they had either designed the mass transit worth a damn or realized that cars aren't going to go away.

If you don't know about them already:

although the second isn't incredably useful for finding games IMHO
Welcome back Auggie, Their are still Shadowrun Gamers around. I know Steven0 on the Vancouver Gaming Guild Web Site still games. I know of two other groups that play on the weekends, and I am currently GMing and Playing in an alternating Shadowrun Campiagns on Sundays.

Have you returned to Surrey and hooked up with your old group yet. Gaming in your complexes activities room was interesting. Even if I only go to play once before you went away.


Hey there,

I'm from the states, but I'm going to school in downtown Vancouver at Vancouver Film School. I live out in Burnaby near SFU. Any Shadowrun gamers still around here drop me a line:
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