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Full Version: Online Shadowrun Group seeks Players, GMs.
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
A diverse group of players and rotating GMs has grown a little thin as some of our regulars have had to disappear due to grad school, life crises, etc. So, I'm here to recruit for us: we meet over IRC once a week from 9PM 'til usually 1 or 2 AM EST on Fridays, and we could use 1-2 new players or a new GM, as all of us are getting tired and running out of ideas. If you would like to join us, either post here, or email to find out more. Players in this group that post here are myself and Wounded Ronin, and thanks for reading this!
I could use some more info, but I'm interested. Drop me a PM, or email (
I'm interested in learning more as well.
as am i send info please.
I'd be interested as well.
I'm game.
Large Mike

I can (and most commonly do) GM, but I'd prefer to play. Just as soon as my addled brain can figure out what 9-2 is in mountain time... 6-11? Assuming I don't find some work to fill that time slot immediatly, I could be in.
Eastern is 2 hours later than us Mike.
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